Secret Religion







Lets you follow another religion in secret, using the regular Secret system with blackmail and criminal consequences.



  •  You can secretly convert to the Faith of any character in diplo-range at a cost of 500 Piety, getting the Cryptoreligionist secret in the process. (The AI will never do this.)
  •  Alternatively, you can secretly stick to your old Faith when pushed into converting to another, at a cost of 500 Piety unless your Faith has Sanctioned False Conversion, in which case you instead gain 100 Piety. The AI may also do this depending on personality and on if their faith has the tenet.
  • However you get the secret, you can later use a Decision to reveal your true Faith.
  • To those who consider your secret faith Hostile or Evil and the one you are pretending to be Righteous or Astray, Cryptoreligionism is a Crime justifying imprisonment. (It does not directly justify execution or title revocation, but other game mechanics might once the truth is known.) It is otherwise Shunned by people of a different Faith, and even by those of the same Faith if it considers Deceitful a sin.
  • You can try to convince people you have a special relation to to join you in your secret religion. This includes vassals, courtiers, prisoners, lovers, soulmates, friends and wards. But if they refuse, they now know your secret. (If they accept, neither of you can blackmail over or expose the other's secret.)
  • When you use the decision to reveal your true Faith, you get a brief opportunity to also expose the Cryptoreligionist secrets you're otherwise blocked from exposing.
  • Exposed Cryptoreligionists cannot directly take on a secret religion again, nor can they use the base game's Revoke False Conversion decision.


Changes to base game's Sanctioned False Conversion:

  • Converted characters are no longer automatically marked as potential false converts, they have to explicitly choose to get the secret or not.
  • Players cannot take the Revoke False Conversion decision. Instead, counties with a modifier from Sanctioned False Conversion will convert back when you convert to your secret faith using the standard conversion button. (Otherwise the cost might be exploitable.) AI Cryptoreligionists can take the decision even if their faith does not have the tenet.
  • The decision Amnesty for False Conversions is renamed to Amnesty for Cryptoreligionists, with the same effects but not limited to faiths with Sanctioned False Conversion. Accepting amnesty removes the secret without the penalties of being exposed.

Should work well with other mods, so long as the Sanctioned False Conversion tenet and the scripted effects for exposing secrets are not completely removed from the game data.


v1.0.1 - Released 2022-02-12

v1.0 - Released 2022-02-06

(Only made changes to description and images. I thought I was forced to also update the mod file to not have it be empty so manually zipped and re-uploaded that. Also removed secret_religion_game_concepts.txt which should not be in this version.)


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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