Buffed Mongol Invasion





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Screenshots shows a sample run. Temujin is spawned in 1066 using debug command.

***As of v1.1.1, health buff for Temujin has been removed. Therefore, will probably not live as long as shown in screenshots, but he's still powerful nevertheless. Actually, much better than before!***


BMI 1.2.4 Features:

- Steppe nomads now move faster on steppe terrain than they do with sailing boats! They will outrun everything except other nomads. They will also move faster on flat, open terrains: plains and drylands.

- The greatest khan will now gain gold when successfully besieged a holding. Amount of gold depends on the province's income.

- Massive buffs to Temujin through the Greatest of Khans trait.

- A new building only available to the Genghis Khan (This will now follow around the capital of Genghis Khan, it is literally his camp... so that makes sense).

- A better horse archer unit available to cultures of Mongolian heritage.

- A better horse archer unit available to cultures of Turkish heritage.

- Temujin will die around the age of 60 now, his heir to the empire will carry on the a weaker buff through the Great Khan character modifier.

- Moving of the Great Camp: the capital of Mongol Empire will now move upon the death of its holder(AI only), or simply by chance. This helps resolve, though not completely, the problem of Temujin starving his army to death while marching across the map.

1. Its new capital will be either in steppe, plains, or dryland terrains: favoring steppe over plains and plains over dryland(i.e. greater weights).

2. It will be in a random county held by the new Great Khan that is either above 20 in development or is at the border of the empire for further conquest. Higher developments are more heavily weighted.

- The Mongol Empire gains the chance of collapse on each succession base on its ruler's ability to conquer more lands. The ruling dynasty's members' culture and faith also contributes to its decline; when a great portion(>40%) of the dynasty's rulers are either not of Mongolic heritage or not of the great khan's faith, the empire is more likely to break apart.

- All ruler of empires(any ruler of Mongolic heritage) created from the collapse of the Mongol Empire, such as the Golden Horde, will now independently claim to be the Great Khan, an non-official Khan of Khans of their own state. If only one Great Khan exists after the Mongol Empire collapsed, s/he will automatically gain the official Great Khan modifier.

- The Great Khan(s) AI will now weight and designate child as primary heir base on traits, skills, and other character stats. Favoring intelligent, healthy, and brave warriors.

- Consorts of old age will now be removed for new ones if they failed to provided two sons - AI only.

- A new game rule is now available for player to set the power level of nomads: normal, high, or insane.

1. On normal setting, Turkish horse archer units will be greatly diminished in numbers.

2. Credits to RockTheShoulder for the middle balance.

3. Previous difficulty remains on insane setting.


(previous features that are removed from this mod)

- All armies will now, after some time of besieging, receive penalties in forest, taiga, jungle, hills, mountains, and desert mountains. This will make sieges more risky for both player and ai. (I decided to move this to a another mod that includes other new gamerules; if you liked this mechanic, look forward to it)


Attention: playing as the Genghis Khan using this mod is not balanced at all. Still not balanced, even on normal setting!


v10 - Released 2023-05-24

v9 - Released 2023-05-15

Updated and rebalanced for 1.9

v8 - Released 2023-02-26

v7 - Released 2023-02-06

v6 - Released 2022-11-08

v5 - Released 2022-10-01

v4 - Released 2022-10-01

v3 - Released 2022-09-21

v2 - Released 2022-06-22


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