Asatru 2.2







Most games portray Vikings as a Bloodthirsty Group. What must be understood is the Vikings where just the roaming warriors of their society. The Young Men and Some women chose to Go Viking. Nordic records and archeology suggest a more gender equal environment with multiple wives and husbands on occasions. Was not the norm but it was not illegal. Instead of Blot sacrifices, a celebration of "blood" would include childbirth and ancestor rituals. (mushrooms)... Human sacrifice was rare and considered antiquated old tradition. Also changes marriage rules to allow more consorts to both polygamous(5 wives+ consorts) and concubines(1 wife+5 Consorts) doctrines. Norse culture has changed to include their raiding nature of hit and run attacks(unlocks horse archers). Changed view of Giants,Dwarf,Albino to positive traits.


vbeta 2.1.8 - Released 2022-09-28

set default to concubines

vbeta 2.1.7 - Released 2022-03-22


vbeta 2.1.6 - Released 2022-03-22

bug fixes

vbeta 2.1.5 - Released 2022-03-22

graphic fixes, lighter eyes for albinos (-y axis), Less chin for giants.

vbeta 2.1.4 - Released 2022-03-22

added positive versions of Norse mythology related traits. Giants, Dwarf, Albino.

vbeta 2.1.3 - Released 2022-03-22

dialog and coding errors fixed.

vbeta 2.1.2 - Released 2022-03-22

minor fixes to dialog. Redux in consorts to: poly=5 spouse+10 consorts, Concubines=1 spouse+5 consorts. After play testing, It was near impossible to get through a week in game without birth announcements!

vbeta 2.1.1 - Released 2022-03-21

play-testing marriage doctrines

vbeta 2.1.0 - Released 2022-03-18

rebuilding gfx

vbeta 2.8 - Released 2022-03-18

still testing and fixing

vbeta 2.7 - Released 2022-03-18


vbeta 2.6 - Released 2022-03-18

Wild riders. Norse had horses too.

vbeta 2.5 - Released 2022-03-17

still debugging

vbeta 2.4 - Released 2022-03-17


vbeta 2.3 - Released 2022-03-17

added icelandic culture, still play testing

vbeta 2.2 - Released 2022-03-17

beta testing different tenet combos. Raised this to a reformed version of Asatru so a custom religion can be gained early. with more tenet slots.

vbeta 2.1 - Released 2022-03-17

beta testing. balance traits


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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