Trade Goods





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This mod places different Trade Goods and Trade Centers on the map, which provide Rules with specific bonuses, expanding the economic management component of the game, adding more immersion.



Mod contents :


• Counties that containing resources can construct a specific Market building to exploit these goods, with Dukes, Kings and Emperors (feudal or clan) getting bonuses depending on which and how many resources are present in their Realm.


• A fabric production system: Wool, Cotton, Linen and Silk, along with Dyes, must be processed in a specific building, Textile Centre, to produce bonuses and wealth.


• Added a new type of holding in all major counties that were important trade centres during the Middle Ages, where you can build a greater variety of buildings, increasing the development and wealth of these locations.


• A growth system for Counties based on the availability of food in the Realm.


• Possibility to import Luxury and Textile resources, paying a monthly cost.


• A specific map mode allows to show the location of resources.


The Trade Goods are the following:























Due to the presence of a new building (City Market) an additional construction slot has been added in the counties with resources.


Please note: after the construction of a City Market, it takes a few months to receive the bonus related to the resource.

Periodically the game checks if the Ruler still controls the county containing a certain resource, otherwise the related bonus is removed.





Compatible with all languages, although not all of them have been translated yet (texts remain in English).


The files modified are "00_holdings" and "00_government_types".

Mods adding new buildings are usually not compatible, there is a guide for this in the discussions, as well as for those mods that modify the various types of government.


v23 - Released 2023-07-11

Currently this mod, adds 1 extra build slot from vanilla files. If you wish to add more build slot see description.

v22 - Released 2022-09-10

Compatibility with 1.7

v21 - Released 2022-07-06

v20 - Released 2022-03-27

Compatibility with Russian translation added (thanks to Д.Р.У.И.Д.)

v19 - Released 2022-03-18

update 19

v18 - Released 2022-03-12

update 18

v17 - Released 2022-03-11

Compatibility with 1.5.1

v16 - Released 2022-02-18

update 16

v15 - Released 2022-02-10

update 15

v14 - Released 2022-02-10

Compatibility with 1.5 "Royal Court". - Added 8 new resources - Implemented a fabric production system: Wool, Cotton, Linen and Silk, along with Dyes, must be processed in a specific building, Textile Centre, to produce bonuses and wealth. - Implemented a growth system for Counties based on the availability of food in the Realm (note: this food resources don't require a Market to be used). - Expanded the resource import system. - Added an entry for each trade Good in the Encyclopaedia, indicating the various bonuses it provides, also accessible via Tooltips. - Trade Power mechanism removed for now - Various optimisations and balancing, now the various modifiers should appear faster in game when the requirements are met.

v13 - Released 2022-01-26

Added a new parameter, Trade Power, determined by the number of Markets built in the Realm

v12 - Released 2022-01-23

Added possibility for King and Emperor to import luxury resources via Decision, paying a monthly cost New bonuses added for the Ruler when controlling multiple Trade Centres

v11 - Released 2022-01-18

update 11

v10 - Released 2022-01-16

Added a map mode to show the location of resources Added resources in India

v9 - Released 2022-01-14

Fixes and balance

v8 - Released 2022-01-14

Added a new feature to the mod, there is now a new type of holding in all major counties that were important trade centres during the Middle Ages, replacing the old modifier "Commercial Center" in those specific counties.

v7 - Released 2022-01-11

Fixes and balance The original tribe building "Markets" has been renamed to avoid confusion with the new building added with this mod Tribal governments can now construct buildings to exploit the resources (rulers still do not receive the associated bonuses, only feudal or clan can)

v6 - Released 2022-01-08

Added a new resource: Fur Two new resources added: Cotton and Amber

v5 - Released 2021-12-31

Two new resources added: Cotton and Amber

v4 - Released 2021-12-28

update 4

v3 - Released 2021-12-26

Korean translation added (thanks to 티에)

v2 - Released 2021-12-26

Added a new resource: Silk An additional construction slot has been added Minor fixes and balance


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