"Vassals To Arms - AI Submod"





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Now compatible with version 1.9.*


This mod is a sub mod for the "Vassals to Arms" mod and the base mod is required.

The Vassals to Arms - AI Submod enhances the war decision making of the AI by taking the additional joining characters and their military strength into account.

At the current state, it only considers the strength of the joining attackers (claimants) and the affected defenders (losing titles). The affected defenders (getting a new liege) are currently NOT part of the calculation. Depending on the performance impact I will most likely add this as well in a later update.


If you deactivate a casus belli in the VtA settings, then the new calculation is also not taken for this cb.


Multiple test runs with and without this mod showed for the 867 start date an increase of around 15% more wars in total (mostly county conquest), but less claim wars.

For the 1066 start, the number of wars is nearly the same as before, but also with more county conquests.

Keep in mind, that the AI is sometimes really dumb and will start wars even if it is not a really good pick against the selected character (maybe because it wants to start a war and this is the best one to take, but I honestly don't know).


Currently Working:

  • Claim wars on county, duchy, kingdom and empire (single and multiple targets)
  • De Jure wars
  • Holy wars on county, duchy and kingdom
  • Conquest wars on county and duchy
  • Ducal conquest
  • Invasion


Not Working:

  • Tribal Subjugation
  • Great Holy Wars (Crusade)



The ai_score_mult of the respective casus belli is adjusted. This means, that the AI will now have a lower/higher rating on a specific casus belli compared to before, if the AI is (in terms of military strength) weaker/stronger than the defender.


Calculation Formula:

(((attacker strength + all none subject allies[exclude characters also allied to the defender] strength + claimants strength) / (defender strength + all none subject allies strength + every affected title loss characters strength)) - 1) * 2



(((3000 + 500 + 0) / (1000 + 0 + 1500)) - 1) * 2 = ((3500/2500) - 1) * 2 = 0.4 * 2 = 0.8


In this case, the attacker is more likely then before to attack the target character (positive result). A negative result would reduce the attractiveness of this casus belli for the AI and it will most likely take another war. The result is limited by a min and max value, depending on the casus belli. The maximum value is higher for more profitable wars. This implies, that a holy war for a county is less interesting for the AI then a holy war for a duchy. The AI will still have to pay the prestige/piety costs for starting the war and if it has not enough, it will therefore not be able to select the duchy one, but take the county war instead.



v4 - Released 2023-06-27

Compatible with version 1.9.* Added support for the clan invasion cb

v3 - Released 2023-03-15

Compatible with Robe version 1.8.* Added support for the struggle cb

v2 - Released 2022-07-06

Version 1.2.0 Compatible with Fate of Iberia version 1.6.*


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