Unique Building Plus





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627+ Wonders from around the World!


'Unique Building list'


'Unique Building in Google Map[goo.gl]


Mod to add 'Unique Building' worldwide.


This mod is working based on scripts. Therefore, except for a few exceptions, updated special buildings will be added to the game you are playing, without having to create a new game each update.


The final goal of this mod is for all duchies to have at least one special building. I'll do my best to make the mod until that day comes.


Thanks everyone who enjoys this mod!






This mod modify "common/scripted_triggers/00_education_triggers.txt", "common/decisions/80_major_decisions.txt", "events/decisions_events/major_decisions_events.txt".


If you use any other mod that modify these files, mod may not work normally.

See the discussion for detailed differences between the vanila and this mod.





Officially Support English , Korean


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Simp Chinese





Refer to this link for credit for illustrations and photographs inclued within the mod.

Nil : Unique Building Icon

dejar : Changed this mod to script-based.

Emrysvaldr : A lot of information for the mod

Trudonjes : A lot of information for the mod

King Potat the Great : A lot of information for mod

lancelot4king : Simp Chinese Translation for mod

Yositako : Japanese Translation for mod


v10 - Released 2023-07-04

10 ru

v9 - Released 2023-06-05

Bug Fix - The conditions for the construction of several Buddhist, bon and Hsexje temples have been revised. Now the building requires each religion, not Hinduism. - The decision to 'Build a Berlin Palace' has been revised. It is now being built in Berlin not Wien. - Fixed an error where the special building was misplaced. (Al Hadi mosque, Al Nuri mosque, Murzuq castle, Bratislava castle...etc) - Fixed an error where certain buildings were inactivated. (Thank you, ㅇㅇ[gall.dcinside.com] and Hsuan!) - Fixed Typo. (Thank you, Supersteveshark) In the 867 scenario, the error of some buildings not being built was corrected. (Esztergom, Preslav, Saharanpur) - Point of interest was added around the holy site.

v8 - Released 2023-05-22

UBP for 1.9.*.* 'Alpha' New Rule UBP: Innovation This rule allows you to remove the innovation requirements of buildings added in the mod. Important Announcement Excavate the ruins Temporarily, the decision to 'excavate the ruins' within the mod has been removed. It will be added again after a more rigorous inspection. There will be additional patches released within this week. Furthermore, the patch will include the additional building you requested, along with option adjustments to it. Bug Fix - Correcting errors in the construction of specific duchy capital buildings located in various places that deviate from their intended locations.

v7 - Released 2023-01-06

UBP for 1.8.0 'Alpha' New Rule UBP: Religion Now, 'No more religious requirement for UBP' will be added in the form of in-game rules. The default setting is 'ON' This means: Players cannot get effects from special buildings of other religions. However, if you have a special religious doctrine, you can get the effect of buildings of other religions. UBP: Mines Setting related to Mines. There have been constant calls for adding rules similar to Nature features and cities to the mine. So, I added it in rewriting the script this time. Related Vanila I decided that this mod would no longer touch the elements of vanilla. This is because the compatibility has deteriorated due to the modification of vanilla. I'm not going to modify vanilla until I take some special measures. - University - Colosseum - Hadrian Wall Known Bugs There is a bug that couldn't be fixed because there was no time. That's why some holy sites don't have special buildings added, but it will be fixed in the next patch

v6 - Released 2022-08-09

update 6

v5 - Released 2022-04-29

Russian translation

v4 - Released 2022-03-11

1.5.1 Update In the update as early as April, an update of 3.0 will be made along with the building you suggested. Please show a lot of interest.

v3 - Released 2022-03-02

update 3

v2 - Released 2022-02-17

update 2


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