Simple Weddings





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Well, it took me a few hours to make this (mostly do understand how the systems work).

Granted, it's called "Simple Weddings" for a reason. It's just a small event chain that triggers when you or one of your close family members marries. But I'm pretty sure that pretty soon the big overhaul mods will come with much more detailled events like this.





  • All of this requires your character to have a royal court.
  • If you marry someone, an event fires (shortly thereafter) where you must organize your wedding ceremony. Note that if you go for the non-greedy option, this will actually cost exactly as much money as you gain from the "wedding tax" event - so it actually has a purpose now.
  • Then, the wedding takes place in your royal court. The priest will ask you a question and you do have the theoretical option to say no, but people will probably not like it that much.^^ Your spouse will always say yes (he/she doesn't have much of a choice anyways, its not like marriage is about love, right).
  • If one of your close relatives marries, they'll ask you to organize their wedding. You don't have to do this, but it's an option (they' and their partner will like you for doing so).
  • The catch is that as with your own wedding, such ceremonies aren't cheap and your relatives expect you to pay for everything if you agree. Finally, a wedding event will take place in your court.

Limitations: During the wedding event, you cannot select another camera angle (ask PDX why...). So I recommend using the free camera mod and activating it in your court before the wedding event fires. If you want a specific set of clothing, you should also change that before the actual wedding.


Originally, I planned to make weddings a bit more flexible in their choice of location: For example, if you as a duke marry the daughter of a king, I wanted the marriage to take place at the kings court. But PDX kindof wrote the royal court feature in a weird way, so as far as I know, you can only interact with events in your or your lieges court (for homage), so I had to give up on that. I guess they were to busy writing a ton of events where my 3-year old drunkard son does weird things, so they didn't have time to implement court events properly...


That brings me to the next thing:

Not compatible with any other mod modifiying gfx/court_scene/ scene_settings. They wrote the court system in such a way that any mod that just wants to add a few more locators in the court is incompatible with any other mod changing anything about the scene setup.


And of course its not ironman compatible.

Also, I cannot assure that it works in MP.


v5 - Released 2022-02-20


v4 - Released 2022-02-19

update 4

v3 - Released 2022-02-17

update 3

v2 - Released 2022-02-15

Compatibility with CFP v.3.0.2


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