Recruit Courtiers





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Compatible with 1.9.x

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Need some more courtiers, and tired of spamming the decision to add knights to your court?


This simple mini-mod adds two new decisions, called Recruit Male Courtier and Recruit Female Courtier. They function similarly to their equivalents to CK2, where they trigger an event that spawns a courtier with random stats and traits in your court. You can decide whether you want to keep them or reject them if they’re not to your liking (whereupon they’ll “vanish” from the game), again similarly to in CK2.


For balance reasons, taking either decision will cost you a small amount of gold and prestige, and each can only be done once a year. I may tweak these values later.


I made this mod for myself because I had a hard time finding concubines or men to give titles to. Please note although I am experienced with CK2 modding, this is my first foray into proper scripting for CK3, so do let me know if there are any bugs. I’ve tested this a bit and seems fine thus far.


Translations Available

  • Chinese (simplified) - thanks to 蛤皮的呱呱
  • German - thanks to Revan
  • Korean - thanks to PenguinsCanFly
  • Russian - thanks to БАРСик


v4 - Released 2023-05-19

update 4

v3 - Released 2022-09-10

update 3

v2 - Released 2022-02-10

update 1.5


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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