Trait modification131





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1. The appearance of the Qingguo Qingcheng style has been modified, the chin and lips have been slightly narrowed, and the presence of the cheeks has been weakened.

2. The appearance of the Hercules series traits has been modified. Characters with this series of traits have faces that are less likely to gain weight, and the body shape is set to an hourglass shape.

3. Modified the appearance of the fecundity trait, which will now enlarge the breasts of female characters.

4. The pure-blood trait has been modified. Now the inheritance probability of one party is 50%, and the inheritance probability of both parties is 100% (instead of the original 15%/75%)

5. Giants and albinos are now born with positive faces, and their appearance is:

The Giant trait now only increases height and no longer elongates the chin.

Albinism now only causes white hair and red eyes, no longer pale skin.

6. Added a new innate trait of having many children and many blessings. Characters with this trait have slightly upward corners of their mouths and slightly drooped eyes, making them look more amiable.

7. A new innate trait Evergreen has been added. Characters with this trait will age more slowly.

8. Added a new innate trait: Born Noble. Characters with this trait will have a slender neck and straight, long and slightly upturned eyebrows.


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