Roman Fidelity





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The simple obligatory CK mod that renames Byzantium to the more accurate Rome. The capital was moved to Constantinople by Constantine the Great in antiquity; the subordinate Western Roman Empire was lost - the Roman Empire did not fall until 1453. Furthermore, Justinian the Great liberated Italy, Africa, and Hispania, so the West wasn't really lost until much later than the conventional, Latin-biased telling anyway. The term "Byzantium" was never used by the Romans or by their contemporaries - it was invented after the fall of Constantinople to better legitimize the HRE. Since Constantinople was the capital anyway, they never referred to themselves as the Eastern Roman Empire either, nor did any of their contemporaries ever call them this, that term like "Byzantine Empire" is primarily a historiographic name invented by pre-modern Western historians. Unlike any other similar mod, I have also renamed Greek culture to Roman culture. They spoke Greek, but the game covers culture, not language. They would not have called themselves ethnically Greeks (Hellenes), this is an exonym applied by the West to them. The modern term "Greek" was invented in the 19th century to facilitate Greek nationalism and independence from the Ottoman Empire. Even up into the 20th century though, the Greek-speakers of the Turkish nation-state were referred to by themselves and by the government as Romans. They would have been quite surprised to learn that in fact they had really been Greeks the past thousand years and just didn't know it. *Although the HRE can also reform the Roman Empire in-game, I actually think having two rival states called the Roman Empire is brilliant! It would perfectly sum up the confusion and controversy that would have followed the HRE trying to strengthen it's claim. **I have opted not to use the Greek-localized name for the Romans (Rhomaioi) because Anglicized names are always preferred in-game. That said, if there's a consensus that the cultural term "Romans" is too confusing, I'm very open to changing it. I'm unlikely to change the empire name, but again I'll consider it if requested (or just make a separate mod).


v2 - Released 2020-09-03


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