Better Performing AI





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Balancing Mod (prioritised for MP) wich should help the AI to perform better comparing to human players. Prevents the extreme overpowered exploits of the Stewardship Lifestyle "playing Wide/Tall" for Human Players for a better balanced Game and gives AI Rulers some bonuses to perform much better during the Years. 1. Stewardship points no longer increase the domain limit to prevent stewardship breeding exploits for Players to hold as much domains as possible themselve 2. Domain Limit is now based on Rank. To help AI rulers perform much better in relation to human players the domain/Knight and Vassal limit is based on Rank of the ruler from now on. This prevents AI Emperors and Kings having 2 domains, cause they try to "De-Jure" related to every human count trying to get as many domains and vassals as fast as possible. Limits are now as follows: -barons domain_limit = 2 (Barons don't get to have knights or Vassals) -counts domain_limit = 3 knight_limit = 5 -dukes domain_limit = 4 knight_limit = 6 vassal_limit = 20 -kings domain_limit = 6 knight_limit = 8 vassal_limit = 30 -emperors domain_limit = 8 knight_limit = 10 vassal_limit = 35 3. The Divided Attention perk in the Stewardship Lifestyle tree gets a nerf. It no longer grands +2 domain limit. Instead it grands build_speed = -0.4 build_gold_cost = -0.15


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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