Freedom Of Choice





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The goal of this mod is to give the player a bit more choice, while remaining mostly balanced. The focus is on single player but it should also work for multiplayer. Some choices like murdering your children are in the game; they just have very specific requirments. That does not mean I will not add those kinds of options, I just need to figure out how to do it in a balanced way. [h1]New Choices[/h1] [b]Break alliance[/b] -Break alliance with anyone for a -30 general oppinion modifier. [h1]Modified Choices[/h1] [b]Abduct scheme[/b] -Allow to abduct from other prisons. [b]Fabricate Hook scheme[/b] -Allowed children -Allowed imprisoned -Allowed incapable [b]Befriend scheme[/b] -Allow children -Allow if they are in your prison with a -30 success chance. [b]Seduce scheme[/b] -Allow to seduce prisoners with a -30 success chance. [b]Sway scheme[/b] -Allow to sway prisoners with a -50 success chance. -Allowed children [b]Offer vassalization interaction[/b] -Allow hooks to be used for +30 acceptance. -Added +20 acceptance if they are in your prison [b]Refund Perks[/b] -Changed to allow unlimited refunds. [h1]TODO[/h1] [b]Demand Conversion[/b] -Prisoners [b]Abdication[/b] -You -Scheme? -Force Vassals [b]Divorce Scheme[/b] -Convice target to try to Divorce with his/her Spouse. [b]Infect Scheme[/b] -Infect someone with a disease -Infect someone with your disease [b]Denounce Scheme [/b] -Convince people, that one of your children is someone's bastard [b]Adopt Scheme [/b](Likely not possible due as the game is lacking certain functions) -Convince people that chosen child is your Bastard, even if it's not truth -Convince people that chosen child is your trueborn, even if it's not truth (Great success only) [h1]FAQ:[/h1] Q: Will I add X choice? A: If it makes the game more fun, then yes I will consider it. Q: Will I add certain choices around children. A: No.


v3 - Released 2020-09-05

v2 - Released 2020-09-05


Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

Full game