Elder Kings 2 - No Beastfolk Limiters





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The submod



Seeing how others were also wanting to remove limiters to --make abominations-- marry others as beastfolk, this submod should assist in that. Rather than going through the process of explaining to those who are curious. Hopefully, this mod makes it easier for everyone who is interested. Making the process of removing or bringing the limiters back far easier than the alternative. The submod will have priority to the specific species you are when you look through marriage menu. ie argonians show up more as argonians. However, I feel it's a fine fit. Though if you are beastfolk in human/mer intensive locations that will change the fact.




Quick warning



I did quickly whip this up at night and went with a probably odd approach to make it work. But from my testing, it seems to work in every case. If you are curious the odd approach was to just eliminate the limiter code entirely.


Seems there haven't been any issues but I will keep the warning here for clarity's sake




If anyone is curious of the original process.




2. Move file ek_race_triggers out of folder specifically safe location




Shout out



Renown for informing of file locations after I found such and their workshop mod. If mine doesn't work could also use their



Paradox plaza




Hope everyone enjoys it, do tell me if anything is wrong or needs fixing.


(( I dont use paradox mods site often, if you want contact me. Highly suggest using the discord, or steam secondary ))


v4 - Released 2023-10-12

Updated suggest version from 1.8.1 to 1.10.2

v3 - Released 2022-12-17

v2 - Released 2022-11-19


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