Houses Traditions German Standalone





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I have only translated the mod, not made it. This mod IS STANDALONE and Includes the Language German,English etc. Original Description The house tradition mods create traditions and values for each house to follow. Have you ever wanted to see your children act more like you? Have you always wanted to play as the Starks of Winterfell, but the game's RNG keeps screwing up your family? Then this mod is just right for you. [h1]Design Philosophy[/h1] Every noble family has a house motto; the words she lives by. These are values ​​that represent the philosophy of their founder and are passed on from generation to generation. With this mod that should become reality. While she cannot keep track of the generated house mottos (which appear very hard-coded), the founding member of the house can choose a house tradition that fits her personality and in turn pass it on to her descendants. [b]House Traditions[/b] There are 21 House Traditions to choose from: Bravery, Honor, Duty, Justice, Vengeance, Pride, Authority, Power, Influence, Cunning, Endurance, Vigilance, Peace, Happiness, Knowledge, Truth, Wisdom, Devotion , family, compassion and joy. Each tradition is built around 3 pillars (associated personality traits). For example, an honorable person tends to be honest and fair, but can also be stubborn. A family that values ​​honor might look down on deceitful and arbitrary people because they expect a person's word to be binding on them. A family that seeks power tends to be ambitious, angry, or impatient. They would look down on family members who are lazy or content as the black sheep of the family. Any House member who exhibits any of the 3 associated personality traits is considered a good representative of the House as they reflect their own personal interpretation of their House's philosophy and values. However, they are much more likely to adopt their parents' interpretation of these values. So if a family that values ​​Influence favors Gregarious, Calm, and Deceitful, and the child's father is Gregarious, the child will almost always learn to be Gregarious, unless his mother believes that Influence is best augmented by Deceitful becomes, increasing the likelihood that the child will share that interpretation instead. Each tradition also brings with it immediate reinforcements that are thematically appropriate to a family that would practice those values. For example, a family that values ​​duty may inspire the loyalty of vassals and their soldiers to serve. Finally, every tradition imparts some bonus attributes, that fit the topic, usually 2 attributes. In most traditions, these can "level up" through fame. For example, a family that practices the Tradition of Valor gains +1 Combat Power and +1 Dexterity per level of Fame. In some traditions, such as B. Perseverance, the bonus attribute is instead associated with stress as they struggle to survive. This is intentional. Fame-based bonuses take a while to max out, while stress-based bonuses can be used much more reliably on smaller rulers. [b]A completely new experience[/b] Roleplaying in your dynasty feels completely different. The children are much more similar to you. Choosing the future mother of your children is just as important as the alliance and the inheritable traits she brings with her! In my own playthrough, I chose the tradition of revenge, which favors vindictiveness, justice, and sadism. I have tried to maintain a family of only fair children and have been successful in this for several generations. However, in my search for a brilliant woman, I chose a sadistic woman, and unfortunately that resulted in her teaching my children the dark side of justice! It took some effort to isolate myself and find new guardians to guide my children back to the light! Additionally, certain traits and behaviors can lead to a bad, abusive/neglectful parent, which can also cause your children to deviate from the traditions of your home. [b]New events in child rearing[/b] Age 6: The child chooses a role model within the home and adopts a personality trait associated with tradition, or he may reject it and risk becoming a black sheep in the family. Children born out of wedlock, poor parenting (adulterers, drunks, drug addicts, abusive parents, etc.) are more likely to result in a rebellious child who may turn into a black sheep in the family. Ages 9 and 12: An educator can teach the child lessons from the traditions of the educator's home, regardless of what family the child comes from. If the child already exhibits characteristics consistent with these traditions, the educator can instead refine their basic attributes. Age 10: The child may take on the characteristics of a parent. Age 15: The child decides to accept his role within the family or to find his own path. [b]Tradition-Specific Mechanisms[/b] This is largely a work in progress. Honor: Loyal vassals voluntarily swear an oath of allegiance (strong loyalty hook for 10 years) to a new succession that helps keep the empire stable. Authority: Lieutenants can demand loyalty from vassals once per lifetime. This has a high chance of angering minions who don't comply. NOTE: I plan to expand this to de jure vassals in the future to distinguish it from honor. Revenge: All family members will automatically declare all known murderers of their house members as rivals. Unfortunately there is no visible/non-intrusive way to track this as I haven't figured out GUI modding yet. (PS Think twice before killing someone from a revenge family!) [b]Marriage[/b] Marriage assumptions are influenced by the compatibility of house traditions. This is a somewhat complicated test in which the two lieges judge each other, then the proposed spouse, and finally the prospective spouses judge each other. In most cases it is only a modest impact between 25 and 60 points. However, in extreme cases (with a perfect match), the influence can be as high as -190 to +110 points. Maximum compatibility (same traditions, all associated characteristics) can almost compensate for 2 differences in rank, while with worst compatibility, such as honor versus cunning, it would be extremely difficult to conclude a marriage. [b]Cadet House Creation[/b] The AI's decision to create a cadet house has been reworked, now offering a combination of what I find acceptable, but still enough branching houses to make a long-term, epic campaign interesting hold. I think most of the other mods are far too simple and cumbersome (like the requirement for prestige rank 4). all connected characteristics) can almost compensate for differences in rank, while with the worst compatibility, such as honor versus cunning, it would be extremely difficult to conclude a marriage. [b]Cadet House Creation[/b] The AI's decision to create a cadet house has been reworked, now offering a combination of what I find acceptable, but still enough branching houses to make a long-term, epic campaign interesting hold. I think most of the other mods are far too simple and cumbersome (like the requirement for prestige rank 4). all connected characteristics) can almost compensate for differences in rank, while with the worst compatibility, such as honor versus cunning, it would be extremely difficult to conclude a marriage. [b]Cadet House Creation[/b] The AI's decision to create a cadet house has been reworked, now offering a combination of what I find acceptable, but still enough branching houses to make a long-term, epic campaign interesting hold. I think most of the other mods are far too simple and cumbersome (like the requirement for prestige rank 4).


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