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People get good at what they do the longer they do it. This isn't some random "power up", this is a steady and inevitable process. This small overhaul mod aims to reflect this for all aspects of CK3 life.


If you focus on a lifestyle for which you don't have the maximum education level (4), you will incur 100 "progress points" every month. Upon reaching the threshold (3000*targetSkillLevel), your education level will upgrade.

If you take the "Chivalry" focus, you'll rank up in Prowess Education instead of Martial. This seemed appropriate.

If your dynasty has the "Republican Education" Perk, and you take either the "Wealth" or "Scholarship" focus, you'll rank up your "Republican Education" instead of the default.

Every time you get lifestyle XP, you also get the appropriate "education progress points".
Gain 1000 "progress points" when an event gives you a lifestyle perk.
Lifestyle events now trigger more often (avg once every year, instead of 18 months).
Lifestyle events of your non-focused lifestyle also trigger, but very rarely (average of once every 60 months). This is to reflect that your life isn't only about your focus. Only 'common' events will trigger this way, not the uncommon/rare ones.
Spouses also gain "education progress points". This is based on the events that the spouse triggers. When you choose skill-specific task, it is weighted for that education, but not exclusive (much like the side effects that happen).
An event will now fire when a new education level is attained, which draws your attention, and allows you to choose to focus elsewhere (resetting your life-focus).
Councillors also tank up XP based on council position (if they're also landed, this is *in addition* to their lifestyle XP). "Train Commanders" will increase prowess instead of martial, and "Increase Development" will advance "Republic Education" if it's available to the Councillor's dynasty.
When half of the needed XP is gained, a special modifier is added to the character, marking it as improving. It gives +1 to the appropriate skill.


Councillors rank up "position xp" while on the job. The rate is currently a base of 1 per month. When they've collected 30*rank xp, they gain or improve the appropriate proficiency trait. This trait gives an increased chance of success in that position's tasks.

Councillors gain 1 "position xp" on every task completion.

Court Positions

Similar to "Physician", all court positions now have a 3-ranks trait associated with it. It works just like Councillor position XP. Physician also improves naturally with time.

Each with a Unique Icon!

Antiquarian now gains aptitude from Stewardship, in addition to Learning.
Court Musician now gains aptitude from Learning, in addition to Diplomacy.
Courtier Traits grant +1/2/4 in it's aptitude skill (split if it has two skills).
Court Poet: You *can* appoint someone without the "poet" trait as your court poet. They will max out at aptitude 40.
All court positions are now "considered a job" and you can't appoint the same character two of them. (I was thinking of maybe reverting it in the future, with the cost of lowering aptitude and XP gain for someone with two "positions").
"Master of Hunt" is not a trait. Instead, your muster of hunt gains the "hunter" lifestyle chain. (I'm not sure about this. There *is* a difference between being a hunter as a lifestyle and being master of the hunt as a royal position.)
Turned the "Poet" trait into a 3-tier like Physician or Hunter. Court Poets now rank up on this trait, rather then "court position" type trait.

Artifact Making (artificing)

I've added new appropriate court position per inspiration:
 New positions (available to kings and emperors):
 Royal Alchemist: Elixirs, Panacea
 Royal Armorer: Armor, Shield
 Royal Artisan: Furniture, Throne, Box.
 Royal Scribe: Book
 Royal Metalsmith: Crown, Regalia, Brooch, Necklace, Goblet.
 Royal Weaponsmith: Weapon
 Royal Weaver: Tapestry
 They all use the same "court artificer" position-based trait.
 These should have the same yearly chance of inspiration, and are also used to forge artifacts of appropriate type.
 These do not need to have or have had an inspiration. This is a *profession*. Inspirations just make them better.
 Some events/effects that are targeted at court artificer now sometimes target these as well
 Inspiration gain for these characters increased significantly.
 PLANNED: New events coming up for these characters.
New 3-tiered traits were added per "inspiration type" (except adventure): alchemist, armorer, artisan, scribe, metalsmith, weaponsmith, weaver
 Completing an inspiration with any quality above common is guaranteed to grant you one of these traits.
  Appropriate position holders gain trait xp at 4 every quarter.

PLANNED FEATURES (this is sort of a 'roadmap'):

More interesting events surrounding education/lifestyle achievements.
Events and decisions based on task proficiency.
Special buildings - schools to train children as future Councillors.
Something to do with extra XP once all 27 perks are unlocked.
Perk revamp
New Court Positions
Leveled Commander traits - thanks to Azeloth
New "Royal X" positions affect maintenance and repair of artifacts.
Decisions/Events/Effects to Improve current artifacts.


This where I beg for your input on ideas I had.

 The numbers are probably too high. 2.5/5/7.5/10 years for each rank is quite a lot. I am thinking on lowering them, but not sure how low. I would be happy for input.
 I may incorporate a game law about it, though these tend to break saves...


This mod changes quite a lot of files. About 40 event files, council tasks and some more. This is mostly required for the 'gain education progress when gaining xp' part. Therefore it is most likely not compatible with other mods who change events or council tasks.

If you want a com-patch to specific other mods, just let me know in the comments.

Feel free to use this and consider giving credit where it's due.

if ANYONE has some ISSUES with this mod, feel free to comment or PM me. This mod is 'ready for use', and I've tested it to the best of my ability.

[b] HELP! [/b]

I can REALLY use help with the graphics on this one, and especially some future planned work. Regardless, contact me if you'd like to collaborate on any front.

[b] CREDIT: [/b]

Councillor's experience is based on slaneche's excellent Councillor's experience trait mod

v4 - Released 2023-04-17
Bug Fixes Localization Fixes Added a new "half-way" modifier for education improving: When half of the needed XP is gained, a special modifier is added to the character, marking it as improving. It gives +1 to the appropriate skill.
v3 - Released 2023-04-17
LOTS of Bug fixes
v2 - Released 2023-04-12
Bug Fixes


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