Elder Kings 2 - More Unique Building





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More Unique Building for Elder King 2 (EK2)

WIP This is very much incomplete. WIP


Already implemented:


----- Sky Haven Outpost

----- Dragon Bridge

----- Markarth town

----- Castle Volkihar

----- Lunar Forge

----- Fort Dawnguard

----- Dwemer Ruins

----- Nordic Ruins


----- Ayleid Ruins

----- Statue of Kvatch hero

----- Waterfront Lighthouse

----- Drawbridge of Leyawiin

----- Imperial Gate City

----- Imperial Forts


----- 24 Deadric Shrines

----- Gilvan Tidrith Mine Iron Mine of "Gilvan Tidrith")

----- Indoril Ruin Veremmu Tamriel Rebuild

----- Dunmer Tomb Hlaalu House Tomb

----- 14 Landmarkd

----- Natural Landmark Boethian Falls

----- Natural Landmark Dragonhead Point

----- Natural Landmark Peninsula of Veloth

----- Natural Landmark Urlis Rock

----- Natural Landmark Isle of Arches

----- 37 Dwemer Ruins


----- 23 Argonian Ruin

----- 13  Ayleid Ruin

----- 4   Deadric Shrine

----- Natural Landmark Xeemhok's Lagoon

----- Natural Landmark Lily Grove

High Rock:

-----Arena (Amphitheater) same as base mod in Hammerdeath

-----13 Ayleid Ruin

----- 6 Deadric Shrine

----- Dwemer Ruin Bthzark

----- Dwemer Ruin Arkngthamz-Phng

Hammerfell :

----- 8 Yokudan Ruin

----- 15 Redguard Fort

----- 10 Landmark

----- 9 Dwemer Ruin


----- Ayleid Ruin Movalar

----- Ayleid Ruin Balamath

----- Dwemer Ruin Mtharnaz

----- Dwemer Ruin Rkundzelft

----- Dwemer Ruin Rkhardahrk

----- Landmark School of Warriors

----- Mine Chiselshriek Iron Mine

----- Nedic Ruin Skyreach Pinnacle

----- Yokudan Ruin Kardala

Listed, work in progress and not yet implemented: (i'm too lazy to check these blackholed)

---- Ayleidic, Dwemer and Yokudan Ruins at the whole Morrowind Mainland, in , Hammerfell and Craglorn

---- multiple Mines and unique Farms at the whole Morrowind Mainland, in Blackmarsh, High Rock, Hammerfell and 

---- Unique Building in the main cities of Morrowind Mainland, Blackmarsh, High Rock, Hammerfell and Craglorn

---- Dunmer Forts in Morrowind, Breton Castles in High Rock, Redguard Keeps in Hammerfell

---- Argonian Ruins and Xanmeers in Blackmarsh

Sources: Tamriel Rebuild Project, The Elder Scrolls Online, Lore from all existing TES-games... and in some cases where no lore existed fill-ins in reasonable quantity simmilar to the destribution of lore-sourced buildings.

DISCLAIMER: Building effects, religious requirements, etc... are all heavily WORK IN PROGRESS and will undergo changes...

v40 - Released 2023-06-11
################################################# Update ############################################################################ ######################## Breton Fort ########################################### ####310 b_baelborne_rock Breton Fort Castle Baelborne castle_baelborne_01 ####10 b_glenpoint Breton Fort Caslte Glenpoint castle_glenpoint_01 ####30 b_valewatch Breton Fort Castle Valewatch castle_valewatch_01 ####46 b_farwatch Breton Fort Castle Farwatch castle_farwatch_01 ####84 b_lord_way Breton Fort Castle Lord's Way Watch castle_lord_way_watch_01 ####100 b_ravenwatch Breton Fort Castle Ravenwatch Castle castle_ravenwatch_castle_01 ####158 b_alcaire Breton Fort Castle Alcaire castle_alcaire_01 ####170 b_birdsong Breton Fort Birdsong Gardens Towerd birdsong_gardens_tower_01 ####188 b_bjoulsae Breton Fort Castle Bjoulsae castle_bjoulsae_01 ######################## Breton Fort (ruin) ########################################### ###39 b_dresan Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Castle Dresan ###57 b_cambray_pass Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Cambray Pass Keep ###69 b_mesanthano Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Mesanthano's Tower ###78 b_cryptwatch Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Cryptwatch Tower ###91 b_tamrith Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Castle Shadowfate ###95 b_valeguard_tower Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Valeguard Tower ###128 b_lorkrata Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Caslte Lorkrata ###133 b_old_fell Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Castle Old Fell ###121 b_kalgon Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Kalgon Keep ###162 b_portdun Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Portdun Watch Tower ###192 b_aphren_hold Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Aphren's Hold ###225 b_viridian_watch Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Viridian Watch Tower ###223 b_ephesus Breton Fort (ruin) Ruins of Arlimahera's Grip
v39 - Released 2023-06-05
v38 - Released 2023-06-05
v37 - Released 2023-06-05
v36 - Released 2023-06-05
######################################################################################### ############################ Argonian Ruins ############################# ######################################################################################### # # 5012 b_sithis_fang Argonian Ruins Temple of Sithis  temple_of_sithis_01 # # 4996 b_tsofee Argonian Ruins Tsofee Cavern tsofee_cavern_01 # # 4842 b_xi_tsei_xanmeer Argonian Ruins Xi-Tsei Xanmeer xi-tsei_xanmeer_01 # # 5047 b_atanaz Argonian Ruins Atanaz Ruins atanaz_01 # # 4724 b_sunscale_strand Argonian Ruins Sunscale Xanmeer sunscale_xanmeer_01 # # 4719 b_deep_graves Argonian Ruins Deep Graves Cemetery deep_graves_cemetery_01 # # 4729 b_hissmir Argonian Ruins Hissmir Xanmeer hissmir_xanmeer_01 # # 4731 b_chid_moska Argonian Ruins Chid-Moska Xanmeer chid-moska_xanmeer_01 # # 4802 b_deathwart_pond Argonian Ruins Xal Irasotl Xanmeer xal_irasotl_xanmeer_01 # # 4823 b_glenbridge Argonian Ruins Glenbridge Xanmeer glenbridge_xanmeer_01 # # 4837 b_atak_ka Argonian Ruins Atak-Ka Xanmeer atak-ka_xanmeer_01 # # 4977 b_xinchei_konu Argonian Ruins Xinchei-Konu Xanmeer xinchei-konu_xanmeer_01 # # 5005 b_lakemire Argonian Ruins Lakemire Xanmeer lakemire_xanmeer_01 # # 5017 b_vakka_bok Argonian Ruins Vakka-Bok Xanmeer vakka-bok_xanmeer_01 # # 4904 b_xul_thuxis Argonian Ruins Xul-Thuxis Xanmeer xul-thuxis_xanmeer_01 # # 4849 b_xhu Argonian Ruins Xhu Xanmeer xhu_xanmeer_01 # # 5144 b_rire_xul Argonian Ruins Rire-Xul Xanmeer rire-xul_xanmeer_01 # # 5173 b_kaochal_el Argonian Ruins Kaochal-El Xanmeer kaochal-el_xanmeer_01 # # 4875 b_xovepir Argonian Ruins Xovepir Xanmeer xovepir_xanmeer_01 # # 5064 b_xuhee Argonian Ruins Xuhee Xanmeer xuhee_xanmeer_01 # # 5180 b_ximont Argonian Ruins Ximont Xanmeer ximont_xanmeer_01
v35 - Released 2023-06-03
#################################### Redguard Fort ################################ ####303 b_old_tower Redguard Fort Fort Oldtower fort_old_tower_01 ####387 b_hallin_keep Redguard Fort Grandeya's Palace grandeya_palace_01 ####395 b_thorstad Redguard Fort Thorstad Keep thorstad_keep_01 ####482 b_dragonhorn Redguard Fort Dragonhorn Keep dragon_horn_keep_01 ####446 b_sunkeep Redguard Fort Sunkeep sun_keep_01 ####459 b_bloodhorn Redguard Fort Bloodhorn Keep blood_horn_keep_01 ####442 b_pothago Redguard Fort Pothago Keep pothago_keep_01 ####3941 b_gilded_keep Redguard Fort Gilkeep gil_keep_01 ####706 b_cliff_keepd Redguard Fort Cliffkeep cliff_keep_01 ####571 b_danobia Redguard Fort Danobia Keep danobia_keep_01 ####726 b_tawia Redguard Fort Tawia Keep tawia_keep_01 ####813 b_stonedale Redguard Fort Stonedale Keep stonedale_keep_01 ####797 b_meroe Redguard Fort Meroe Keep meroe_keep_01 ####736 b_gasba Redguard Fort Gasba Keep Gasha_keep_01 ####768 b_jandal Redguard Fort Jandal Keep jandal_keep_01
v34 - Released 2023-05-17
Added Building I forgot to add.
v33 - Released 2023-05-17
Added yokunda's ruin
v32 - Released 2023-05-05
Added building in Hammerfell Ayleid RuinNilata Ayleid RuinSalas En Dwemer RuinRazak's Wheel Dwemer RuinKlathzgar Dwemer RuinVolenfell Dwemer RuinYldzuun Dwemer RuinAldunz Dwemer RuinRkulftzel Dwemer RuinSantaki Dwemer RuinBatek Dwemer RuinRoukard Landmark Pyre Watch Castle Landmark Iron Wheel Headquarters Landmark (Tomb)Motalion Necropolis
v31 - Released 2023-05-04
Main mod page description
v30 - Released 2023-05-04
Update Ayleid Ruin description in Blackmarsh.
v29 - Released 2023-04-27
Cralorn is added now.
v28 - Released 2023-04-27
This update added building in Blackmarsh Highrock and Craglorm
v27 - Released 2023-04-09
Leftunch no longer at Sideways
v26 - Released 2023-04-07
change building stat.
v25 - Released 2023-04-01
change some building stat
v24 - Released 2023-03-31
Morrowind update Dwemer Ruin Deadric Shrine natural land mark land mark
v23 - Released 2023-03-14
v22 - Released 2023-03-10
remove Skyrim Dwmer holy site condition
v21 - Released 2023-03-09
Add Peninsula of Veloth desc
v20 - Released 2023-03-09
Add more morrowind building
v19 - Released 2023-03-07
Fix localization building cain and condition
v18 - Released 2023-03-03
v17 - Released 2023-02-21
v16 - Released 2023-02-21
v15 - Released 2023-02-06
v14 - Released 2023-02-06
v13 - Released 2023-01-28
v12 - Released 2023-01-28
v11 - Released 2023-01-28
v10 - Released 2023-01-28
v9 - Released 2023-01-28
v8 - Released 2023-01-28
v7 - Released 2023-01-23
v6 - Released 2023-01-23
v5 - Released 2023-01-21
v4 - Released 2023-01-21
v3 - Released 2023-01-20
v2 - Released 2023-01-19


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