Small gameplay tweaks





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Small gameplay tweaks aka "Make Crusaders Great Again"

My personal mod with small tweaks for better gameplay experience now released for others to enjoy. Go ahead and edit the mod files so that it suits best for your play style.

25.8.2023 update out. I updated few lines that Paradox have been added during last patches but nothing that dramatic. Still I think with these values AI manages their armies better and should also help the player better than in Vanilla version of the game.

Unfortunately Morven hasn't updated his mods (specially Fervour midpoint rebalance mod) so all benefits that came from that mod combined with this are gone. Still other things should work fine.


1.8.0 update out. Again some minor adjusments done to the AI army behaviour so go ahead and see if you can see any difference.

Unfortunately the AI army management during crusaders is still very poor, but based on my tests I have managed to make it so that usually 3 out of 4 times "The First Crusade" goes towards Jerusalem and ends up being victorious. Also when starting the game in y.1066 "The First Crusade" seems to happen now more often close to year 1100 as "vanilla" so no other mods are required.

War Chest allocation has been increased from 10% distribution to 15% to make crusaders a bit more rewarding. With this change usually 7-8 participants gets rewarded. War score from battles during crusaders is capped to 50% so sieges and occupation is needed. This greatly increases the amount of participants that are rewarded.



Minor patch released. Pope should again launch The First Crusade to Jerusalem (with Morven's Fervour midpoint rebalance mod). War contribution scores tweaked more (more points from sieges and occupation, less from battles).



Updated for 1.7.1

Domain limit tweaks have been removed from the mod. This mod now focuses on adjusting the AI for better army management specially when it comes to GHW. Still, based on my tests the new 1.7.1 patch didn't improve vanilla AI army management enough during Great Holy Wars.

Mod includes some modifications to 00_religious_war file and thus is not compatible with Morven's Fervour Inversion mod. Morven's Fervour midpoint rebalance mod should be compatible and highly recommended to have crusaders launched properly.



Update 1.7.0 out!

Based on my tests the new 1.7.0 patch didn't improve vanilla AI army management enough during Great Holy Wars. Tweaks included in this mode should still make GHW and AI army handling better. Some fine tuning has been done compared to previous.


New update 28.07.2022

Main tweaks:

- More tweaks how AI works to make AI army handling better. Also tweaked how War Score is earned during Great Holy War. With this setup I have seen many Great Holy Wars (specially the one that usually starts around y.1096) ending for the victory for Pope and his fellows (finally those 40k troops have a chance to win those 20k defenders). It is not 100% proof and still some "dancing around" can be seen, but should not be that bad suicide festival anymore. Go ahead and see if you can "feel" the difference. First battles AI goes for might still be disasters, but once AI can finally pull up all close troops together they should be fine.

- War Chest allocation has been tweaked. Now there will be only 10% distribution at max to avoid player just abusing the poor mechanism so badly and getting tons of gold way too easily. Also the way how points are "earned" has been tweaked so that sieges and occupation give points better compared to battles. Player might need to work a bit more for that gold reward.

Other smaller tweaks:

- Knights damage has been reduced from 100 -> 60. Just to restrict creating those "super knights" that easily.

- Max score gained from a single battle reduced

- Max losses after battle reduced

- War contribution scores tweaked

- Some smaller tweaks here and there.


First release:

Misc tweaks:

- Offensive war opinion penalty increased so there will be bigger opinion penalties when wars last longer.

- Ransom cost for Dukes, Kings and Emperors reduced

Misc tweaks to help AI cope better:

- Province base supply limit increased

- Armies supply loss per soldier reduced

- Minimum and Maximum supply limit loss reduced

- Base army supply state levels tweaked

- Days before army starts lose supplies increased

- Regiment max size the game tries to create increased

- Embark gold cost and gold maintenance reduced

- Days before getting attrition increased

- Supply loss at sea reduced

- Levy and MAA reinforcement speed reduced

- Unraised levy regiments speed reduced

- Recently disembarked penalty reduced

v10 - Released 2023-09-13
v9 - Released 2023-08-31
v8 - Released 2022-12-04
v7 - Released 2022-12-04
v6 - Released 2022-09-29
v5 - Released 2022-09-25
v4 - Released 2022-09-24
v3 - Released 2022-09-11
v1.0 - Released 2022-07-27


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