Aagiokrata Centralization - Submod for Godherja





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SYNOPSIS: Adds a decision for a highly ambitious Aversarian player to centralize the main Aversarian Aagiokrata faith. This decision is, by design, extremely difficult for even the most skilled players. Every attempt made by past Aautokratirs to centralize the faith has failed disastrously. I felt that restoring the empire was the completion of an Aversarian playthrough, which I wanted to change. This decision gives the player an option to keep going past restoring the empire to bring it to a height it has never seen before. 


REQUIREMENTS: As stated, this decision is designed to be a near-impossible task. 

- Your primary title must be the Aversarinas Aautokrata. Fairly self-explanatory. You need to take the Restore the Empire decision before you can take this one. 

- Your culture needs to be of Aversarian heritage, for obvious reasons. 

- You need to have the Aversarian Crown. Track down the pieces. Most can be found in random characters' pockets on start. One of them can only be found through adventuring. 

- You need to be a level 4 living magi. The Aagiokrata faith exists to prove the superiority of magi, so only the best of them could control it. 

- Every single county on the map that follows the Aagiokrata faith must be under your control. In order to exercise spiritual control over the faith, you need to have secular control over it. 

- You need to have the maximum level of piety, again for obvious reasons. 

- You need to completely control the Aversarian Homelands region. As said, past Aautokratirs have failed this task, so you need to be at least as strong as they were. 

- All direct vassals need to have a positive opinion of you. You are trying to convince your subjects to see you as a god, you can't do that if your subjects hate you. 

- Every single baron in your realm needs to follow the Aagiokrata. If any of your subjects don't follow your faith, you won't be able to convince them of your divinity. 

- 10,000 gold. Missionaries are expensive to hire and imperial degrees are expensive to enforce. 

- 20,000 piety. You need to be the most faithful Aautokratir who has ever lived. 


REWARDS: Impossible tasks yield unimaginable rewards. 

- You become the Temporal Head of Faith. The no head of faith doctrine will be replaced by temporal and the Aversarinas Aautokrata will become the Head of Faith title. 

- You gain the Savior trait. All of your descendants will gain the Divine Blood trait. 

- 10,000 prestige. You ascended to god status. 

- 10,000 renown. Your descendants will be seen as demigods. 

- 2 levels of splendor, for the same reason as the one above. 


COMPATIBILITY: Requires Godherja: The Dying World. Should be compatible with any other submod as long as it does not edit commongovernments0_government_types.txt (basically it cannot edit vanilla CK3 governments). Have tested and confirmed it is compatible with Addon for Aversaria, and I highly encourage using both. 



v5 - Released 2023-03-14

UPDATE 1.2: - Fixed trigger issue causing the requirement of owning the crown to never be obtainable. - Removed the requirement of owning all same faith provinces due to it not functioning properly.

v4 - Released 2023-03-13

v3 - Released 2023-03-13

UPDATE 1.1: - Added an event to notify everyone upon taking the decision. - Reworded the decision's description to be more lore-accurate. - A few minor localization changes.

v2 - Released 2023-03-13


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