Roman Chi Rho CoA





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I made this simple mod for my own personal use, and chose to upload it for the benefit of others so inclined. [b]This modification replaces the e_roman_empire coat of arms with a golden Chi Rho flanked by the Alpha and the Omega upon a purple field. [/b] The Chi Rho (☧), or Latin [i]chrismon[/i], is a symbol formed by the superposition of the first two (capital) Greek letters of ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ([i]Christos[/i], Christ) - [i]Chi[/i] (X) and [i]Rho[/i] (P). The symbol is one of the earliest known and most widespread Christograms, a type of typographic abbreviation or symbol representing Jesus. The Chi Rho is famously attested from its adoption as the [i]Labarum[/i] military standard of the Emperor Constantine: on the eve of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312AD, in which he was to face the forces of rival Tetrarch Maxentius, Constantine alleged that a vision in a dream commanded him to mark the sign of the Christian God upon the shields of his soldiers. His forces proceeded to win the battle, Maxentius drowned in the Tiber, Constantine ended the Tetrachy and imposed Christianity as the state religion of the Empire, and the [i]Labarum[/i] became a widely reproduced symbol of the Christian state. The [i]Alpha[/i] (A / α) and [i]Omega[/i] (Ω / ω) are respectively the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. In the Book of Revelation, Christ repeatedly appelates Himself in his vision to St. John the Evangelist: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end," a statement of the all-containing eternity of His existence, power, breadth, and being. As a result, the symbols are prominently featured in Christian iconography. In an era before national flags or heraldry, the Chi Rho (appearing with and without the Alpha and Omega) became thoroughly associated with the late Roman Empire about as closely as a symbol could be, appearing on coins, military equipment, standards, official seals, and public works, in addition to a myriad of private inscriptions and decorations. After the disintegration of the Empire in the West, the symbol was retained in the same quasi-official capacity in the East, before becoming superceded by various tetragrammatic crosses which evolved into the iconic emblem attributed to the Palaiologos dynasty and represented in-game. Franks, Lombards, and the various pretender claimants to the legacy of Rome would also adopt the Chi Rho in a public capacity, in a move to assert their claim of continuity with the Empire. Obviously, this mod makes sense for a Christian playthrough, particularly a Nicene, Chalcedonic Christianity (I don't know how strongly these are attested in Miaphysite or other traditions' symbology- I am not aware of any inherent Christological issues but there may be cultural ones) and not if you are going for some pagan revival. This modification is a simple recolor of the existing coat of arms for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. You are free to use this in your own mod, because frankly it took 5 seconds of work- it took longer to write this description. This mod will work with any mod which does not edit the 01_landed_titles file (addition of new titles, changes to existing coats of arms, etc). It will work with any version of CK3 which does not add new titles or make other changes to this file: probably all of 1.1.X, but you never know. I'll try to keep it working, as I intend to continue using it myself. This mod is NOT IRONMAN COMPATIBLE. This mod is NOT (automatically) SAVE GAME COMPATIBLE, due to the fact CK3 stores CoA gfx cache data in the save file- HOWEVER- it is extremely easy to modify your save file to replace the desired title's coat of arms with this one. Simply extract your save file, open it with a text editor, find the title, and paste the code over the previous CoA's code.


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