Dwarven Culture





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This is being uploaded here despite being (possibly. As of 1.8 it should still work but I haven't actually tested it since I no longer play or make mods for CK3) outdated. This is due to it being requested. Anyone is free to fork and make improved, updated or translated versions of this mod and all my other CK3 mods (which you may find on steam). Dwarves this, dwarves that. Why don't you dwarf yourself some [REDACTED]? NOTE: Not an overhaul mod. You can play this with other mods... *pssst check out the playlist there's loads of positively received mods both big and small* This mod adds the following: - A dwarven culture - Some simple innovations that only those with the right traditions can access... dwarves have all of these traditions, but don't start with the innovations. They're there so that those who enjoy innovations have something to aim for as the dwarves start out with a lot of innovations in both start dates. - 2 "more traditions" traditions (they increase the max traditions for your culture). They're here since dwarves have a lot of traditions... I kinda gave them every tradition I considered applicable. - A dwarfism tradition which makes dwarfism more common and increases the odds of children gaining strength-related traits (other than gigantism), as well as giving dwarves dwarven blood trait. - A dwarven blood trait which counteracts the prowess debuff of the dwarf trait Likely future features: - Variety of dwarven cultures rather than just one. - (in separate but compatible mods) Elf and Halfling cultures. - Half dwarves (if I get gud at portrait modding) - Maybe some events - Dwarven namelist. Currently theirs is norse... for some reason the namelist I made just for them doesn't work when I try to use it so for now they get Norse names. QnA: Q: How OP are the dwarves? A: Being a dwarven ruler is definitely easy mode. It's within what could be achieved with just a "more traditions" mod but easy mode is easy mode. At least with my Eldian and Mandalorian mods your Eldian/Mandalorian vassals are usually cut-throat scum who will rebel at any opportunity, but these dwarf vassals are super loyal! Q: Lots of my people aren't dwarfs! A: Children in the culture have a high chance of becoming dwarfs before reaching adulthood, so make your dwarven peeps have lots of babies who will then be proper dwarfs... or use this mod: Q: Beans? A: Beans. Q: Dwarven men at arms? Q: Why link other mods rather than integrating them? A: Gives players more freedom as to what features they want to include or not include. My awful discord. Here you can make suggestions for how to improve mods, gimme ideas for mods you want me to make, chat with other appreciators of my works Playlist of my stupidly many mods. There's like 40 of them now, so there's bound to be something you'll like:  My legitimately awful YouTube channel. As of writing I'm close to finished on the first serious video on the channel, and it's gonna be full of videos explaining my mods, how to mod for stories I'm writing (the stories are the main focus of the channel, but there will probably be more modding vids just because of how much easier they are to make)


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