No Marriage Alliances (With Options)





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[h1]Has this ever happened to you?[/h1] So you have 12 [strike]hell-spawn[/strike] beautiful children running around, and you're out here trying to be a good parent and get them all suitable spouses...but soon enough you're getting calls to war left and right, and it looks like your youngest kids will have to die alone (or worse - marry someone of [i]lower stature[/i]!) because all their prospective partners or their families are whining about you having too many alliances! Well, no longer! With this mod you forgo the million alliances you get from marrying off your close relatives, getting a sensible (or not so sensible, see below) truce instead or nothing at all. [h1]Details[/h1] This mod disables automatic alliances from marriage, with options to gain a truce instead (of varying length, depending on the game rule you set), and a small (+5) opinion modifier from that truce. To clarify: you can still create an alliance with your in-laws, because the game already has a system to do that - this just makes it so it's not automatic. There are other mods that do this, but specifically those that replace alliance with a truce have an issue where if you married courtiers completely unrelated to you you still get a truce, which...doesn't make much sense. So I decided to post this, being my fix to that issue, along with some extra functionalities: Namely, everything except disabling the automatic alliances can be controled with game rules. I'm not here to tell you any of this is more or less balanced, I just leave it up to you how you balance your own game. :) (Updated January 30th 2023, feel free to reread for mod changes!) [h3]Game Rules are as follows:[/h3] - Length of Marriage Truce: No Truce, 5 year truce, 10 year, 15, 20, 40, or 80 years (what I like to call the "til death do them part" option :P) - Betrothal Alliances: Vanilla "Negotiate Alliance" only allows you to make alliances with relatives of someone married, not while they're betrothed. I added a new interaction that allows this. You can allow it for the matchmakers - the ones that arranged the betrothal (this is the default), make it work like vanilla does with marriage, or turn it off altogether. - Truce Breaking Notifications. You'll get a small notification if a truce breaks before it's time is up due to death, divorce or breaking a betrothal (this is the default), but you have the option to disable it through this game rule. [h3]Other Notes:[/h3] As mentioned, truces will break upon divorce, breaking of a betrothal, or death of one of the characters that were married/betrothed. However, the mod checks to make sure there are no other marriage relations, so in case there was more than one marriage/bethrothal between families, the truce will not be broken. This is also the reason I decided not to remove the truce when you make an alliance - if you have more than one couple between families, if the one the alliance hinges on dies or such the alliance ends, but since there are still others the truce remains. [h1]Compatibility[/h1] This mod changes:[list] [*]common/defines - NMarriage (MAX_ALLIANCE_FAMILY_DISTANCE_SUM) [*]common/scripted_effects (marriage_interaction_on_accept_effect) [/list] Any mod that touches those will be incompatible. I am happy to make patches, as long as you let me know what mods are breaking.


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