Alternate Title Colors





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Crusader Kings 3 has over all good color palette regarding title colors. However, some titles are outliers in that regard. I personally find them odd and unfitting. This mod started as a simple color change for two particular titles: Norway and Egypt. After correcting them I've decided that I might as well adjust some other title colors to fit my tastest better. [h1]What does this mod change?[/h1] [list] [*][b]Slight hue shift[/b] - The overall hue of the map is shifted by about +6 degrees. The post processes that are applied seem to slightly shift hue value. This slight correction results in color closer to intended map color. [*][b]EU4 style Egypt color[/b] - I've always disliked the greenish color used for Egypt in CK2 and CK3. While there is a mod for a yellow Egypt already it was too yellow for my taste. I've also changed colors of every de jure duchy and county under Egypt. [*][b]CK2 style Norway[/b] - Vanilla purple for Norway looks a bit peculiar in the Scandinavia region. I really liked the color that was used in CK2 so I've chosen a color that looks somewhat similar. I've also changed two duchies that had similar color to their de jure title and counties under them. [*][b]Light pink Denmark[/b] - I simply prefer this desaturated pink to vanilla. I also desaturated duchy of Skane. [*][b]Orange Finland [/b]- I think orange Finland fits better in the region colorwise. I also changed colors of duchies of Finland and Karelia, Most counties were fine so I changed like 2-3 of them. [*][b]New color for France[/b] - I simply prefer this shade of blue for medieval France. [*][b]New color for Aquitaine[/b] - Vanilla color was way too saturated and looked unplaesant. The new color matches well with new color for France, [*][b]Slight adjustement to Lotharingia[/b] - I had to shift hue slightly towards blue so it looks more distinct when next to new Aquitaine. [*][b]Desaturated Sapmi [/b]- The vanilla color was too saturated for my taste. [*][b]CK2 style Cumania[/b] - While I don't dislike vanilla CK3 Cumania, I think that it is simply too big to use that color. The huge brown swath of land makes the map look darker and drab. While CK2 color is very similar to vanilla Khazaria it shouldn't be a problem. [*][b]Roman Empire is now red as it should be.[/b] [*][b]Some empire titles now have slightly different color (Frankia, Hispania, Wendish Empire).[/b] [*][b]Empire of Italia is now green.[/b] [*][b]Kingdom of Romagna is now white.[/b] [*][b]Byzantine Empire, Carpathia and Khazaria are now slightly desaturated.[/b] [*][b]Slight adjustements to color of Cyprus, Israel and Bosnia.[/b] [*][b]Slight adjustements to color of Poland.[/b] [*]Theorethicaly empire of Russia should have different color however currently it is unchanged. If it is different from vanilla in your game please let me know. [/list] If you want to see any part of this mod as a separate mod just tell me.


v2 - Released 2022-03-11


Crusader Kings III

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