FR Pretty Peasant Kingdoms





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Ever wanted an AI-customized kingdom to not be a neon horror? Ever wanted a kingdom to have de jure lands and carve out a place on the map more permanently? Pretty Peasant Kingdoms is the solution to both problems. PPK is configured using the game rules. In the following game rules, the capital county refers to the rebel county chosen as the center of the revolt. Capital County Map Color (Default) Random (Vanilla) Capital County Coat of Arms (Default) Random (Vanilla) De Jure The duchies of the primary kingdom of the revolt (determined by the number of revolting counties in that kingdom) can change de jure land of the revolted kingdom depending on the settings. De jure changes must respect the independence of the enclaves from the capital, all de jure lands must be connected by land or sea (this can however divide an existing kingdom). None (Vanilla and Default) Always take the capital's duchy Majority control (Duchies where 50% or more of the counties revolt) Absolute control (Duchies where 100% of the counties revolt) Other modifications If a peasant kingdom owns lands of swear, he can unite with the kingdom with which he separated to merge their lands de jure. This is done by a decision that launches an event. You can choose to unite under the original title or the revolted kingdom, but if the AI ​​makes the decision, it will only choose the original currently. Another minor change is that a revolt title's base county (the one the title is named after) and the title's capital should now always be the same. There will no longer be kingdoms named after a place that isn't their capital or isn't even in the kingdom.


v2 - Released 2022-11-10


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