Sweet Dating (Dating) German and English





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I have only translated the mod, not made it. =================================== Descripton =================================== ============= A new interactive option has been added to this mod ---- dating MOD Features. The pre-requisites for dating are 1. The player is male 2. The person invited is the player's lover or soul mate 3. have a certain amount of gold coins Events that will be triggered by the date 1. A date with a married lover will require you to find a way to meet the lover first 2. When the date is with your spouse or a single woman, it will go more smoothly 3. There are currently two event chains open, the pub date and the capital market date 4. Some different relationships and identities may lead to unique event experiences 5. The choices you make during the event will affect the final outcome of the date Future Outlook I. Immediate goals 1. add circus event groups, which are already seventy percent developed 2. add two ways of dating a married woman and the corresponding event groups 3. fix various possible bugs (dog head) II. Mid-term goals 1. add more expensive and more likely to get good results in the dating event group 2. Add the most expensive travel events 3. Fix various possible bugs (dog head) III. Long-term goals 1. Add a wider variety of interaction modes and corresponding event groups, such as Meeting up with friends for fun Event groups for players to date male lovers as women Adventure events Visiting allies in the capital ETC. 2. Fix various possible bugs (dog head) =========================================================== Cautions. Compatibility: There are currently no compatibility issues with most of the content, the only issue that may arise is that the mod takes up numbers 999001 - 999006 of the new historical characters Open file issues: For now the old file will allow you to experience most of the content, but some hidden endings and rewards will require a new file to be opened. Achievements/Ironman: Achievements are of course MUU.


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