Deity Doctrine





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This mod adds a doctrine to determine the number deities and adherents relation to them for each faith. This new deity doctrine affects your base hostility towards other faiths.


New Doctrines:

Deity: Same Religion | Same Religious Family | Other Religious Families

- Pantheism: Righteous | Astray | Astray

- Transtheism: Astray | Astray | Hostile

- Monotheism: Hostile | Evil | Evil

- Ditheism: Hostile | Hostile | Evil

- Bithiesm: Astray | Hostile | Evil

- Henotheism: Righteous | Astray | Hostile

- Polytheism: Astray | Hostile | Hostile


These new hostility rules replace the religious family based hostility doctrines used by the base game (and just like them can be overrode by certain doctrines). While producing similar results, there is now more variation between religions and faiths in the same religious family. Additionally it also means players creating a new religions can now effectively choose a new hostility doctrine by changing their deity doctrine.


This mod also add the appropriate deity doctrine to all in game religions/faiths:

-Most Abrahamic faiths are monotheistic

-Most Zoroastrian faiths are ditheistic

-Most Hindu faiths are henotheistic

-All Jain and Buddhist faiths are transtheistic

-All Taoist faiths are pantheistic

-Pagan faiths represent a wide variety (with every type of deity doctrine), but with polytheistic being the most common


Many religions have custom versions of the deity doctrine flavour text for extra flavour



- Achievement Compatible

- Not compatible with mods that affect the religious family hostility doctrines

- Not compatible with mods that affect Islam's Muhammad succession doctrines

- Is compatible with mods that add or change other doctrines add/or tenets

- Is compatible with mods that add new religions or faiths, but might not apply the correct theism

- Only compatible with new games (this mod will not add the doctrines to an old save)

- Compatible with my other mods


Other Notes:

- If creating a new Muslim faith, you can only select monotheism; unless you pick the Zandaqa doctrine, thus marking the new faith as heretical to other Muslims.

- Panthiestic religions effectively cannot declare holy wars.

- This mod does make it more expensive to convert between religions with very different deity doctrines.


Known Problem:

If creating a pantheistic religion that is syncretized with another religion, your hostility towards them will be increased to hostile. This is a hard coded effect of the syncretism doctrines overriding the base hostility and can't be changed (besides removing the effect altogether which seems worse IMHO).


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