Personal edit mode





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Personal Reblance Mod Buildings,MAA,Mongol,religion,regiment,combat etc The number of troops required to hit the counter is changed to a multiple of 1 instead of the existing double, but the maximum counter is 0.75, so even with a full counter, 25% performance is achieved. The probability of events falling behind the knight slightly decreases, and the armor per skill of the knight slightly increases (attack power remains the same). Templar MAA is heavy cavalry, they have many knights All buildings are reinforced to %. Existing buffs are removed. (Add Damage +1 Buff -> +1% buff) Crossbow soldiers are stronger against spearmen and heavy infantry instead of heavy cavalry Cultural heavy cavalry counts with half the efficiency of heavy cavalry (I thought to put it into common use, but it's not) powerful troop spawned by the Mongolian appearance event I did not record what changed because I touched something that I wanted to do while playing game, so I wrote only what I remember. This mode is for personal use, so I am not sure if it will be compatible with other modes. 0908 0219 : changed elephant farm, royal armory and etc (MAA cap add is removed) thanks! add+ Royal Armory (duchy capital building) is now give u to vassal's levis. MAA Reinforce Speed is nerf to 0.1->0.02 0910 religion fervor base 0.3->0.5 make cadet branch now can tier-duchy (before courty) 0911 pursuit phase (base 3days) -> (6days) -> (5days) ai backdoor rate nerf? 0911 16:50 mongol invasion error fix, friendly land supply bonuse 0911 MAA add mod compable patch 0913 compable patch


v2 - Released 2020-09-13


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