Lesser Chance of AI Cadet Branch Creation





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Lowers the chance of the AI forming Cadet branches. The initial version added a gold, prestige, and piety requirement, which worked fine for my seniority playthrough, but after actually testing it out, it seems this isn't the way to go as the AI isn't dropping the 750 gold, 4k prestige, and 1k piety to form a cadet branch. I've kept the gold cost but lowered it to 100 as a low barrier of entry, but most of the changes are in the chances of the AI forming one. They may still form a cadet branch if they're a duke, but it's less likely to happen. Changes: Dropped the base chance to 0, and dropped the primary title tier being a duke chance to 10. Added a modifier that if they have 500 gold at least, then their chances of forming one go up by 30. Added a modifier for their prestige level and their current prestige. This is the big one where if they're 'Exalted Among Men' and if they have 500 prestige at least, then their chances go up by 60. I went with prestige level 4 because that's what's needed to found a University, and the prestige amount is there as sort of a gate so AI dipping in negative prestige even if Exalted won't form a Cadet branch as much. Please check the attached image for the Cadet houses formed by 1200 during a 1066 start. If there's not enough Cadet houses for your liking, dropping the prestige level to Illustrious and maybe lowering the required prestige for the modifier would probably sort that out, but let me know what you guys think. Anyway thanks to G.Strategos for bringing it up otherwise I would never have bothered to check until my next run.


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