No Perk Prerequisites





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This mod removes all perk prerequisites in the lifestyle trees, except for the final trait. With this mod you can dip in or out of any lifestyle and take just the perks you want. Making the 'perk trees' more like 'perk ferns'. I made this mod because I seem to hold a pathological hatred for perk trees and their ilk in games. I don't like the way they force you down a certain path and compel you to choose options that you don't really want (or never really use). I did keep the final prerequisites on the trait though, because I see each lifestyle trait as the reward for committing to a whole tree. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and if you do then please leave a positive rating. This mod is ironman-compatible, but not achievement-compatible (for obvious reasons). It is compatible with current saves, but using and then removing this mod from a save once you start using it will probably break it. And the mod is probably incompatible with any other mods that edit the contents of the 'commonlifestyle_perks' folder. The AI should also be able to take advantage of this, but I think all (or most) of the characters at the beginning of each bookmark have their lifestyle perks pre-selected, and they will obviously have still followed the original pattern of each tree. Within a few years of play this will sort itself out though.


v2 - Released 2020-10-03


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