Migrations and Proselytism





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[h1] MIGRATIONS AND PROSELYTISM [/h1] [b] GENERAL IDEA [/b] This mod is designed to enrich the playing experience in a flexible and versatile way. My wish is to broaden the game by adding more gameplay features, such as in this following 2 specific council tasks. The court chaplain and steward now have a more extended map and can use the faith conversion / culture promotion task also in counties directly bordering the realm. [h1]MOD RULES [/h1] [b] PENALTIES [/b] There are 2 types of equal penalties for each task: The 1st, [u] NEIGHBOR LANDS [/u], applies only to counties that border your realm boundaries and applies a -0.50 malus on monthly task progression. As in example image 2. The 2nd, [u] PROSELYTISM [/u] and [u] MIGRATIONS [/u], applies only to counties that do not border your religious or cultural boundaries and applies a -0.25 malus on monthly task progression. As in example image 3. Any other county that does not violate any of these rules will not be affected by penalties. These penalties are designed to stimulate conversion / promotion gradually and progressively throughout your scope of influence, in a realistic and dynamic way. It also integrates a previous national task in a matter of international diplomacy since if one can afford it, one can use it in an offensive way. I dont know if I should add a bonus/malus depending on your religious/cultural group, values can be changed too if asked. [h1] STEAM FEEDBACK: [/h1] [b] NEW IDEAS, KNOWN BUGS / VALUE ADJUSTMENTS? HELP! [/b] [b]


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