The Bronze Age: Maryannu (Rev)








We are proud to bring you the Bronze Age Mod under a slightly different name to CK3, which features a completely new custom made map featuring the Near East and Aegean in extreme detail. From the Minoans and Mycenaeans in the west to the Ancient Egyptians in the south, the Hittities in the North and the Sumerians, Akkadians, Elamites and Assyrians in the East. Dive into this world that is as detailed as it is ancient in one of two start dates, 2115 or 1590 BCE.



The mod features many gameplay additions and mechanical changes like:

- Many new religious Tenets like Pharaohs, Oracles, Sumerian Mythology and so on with many more to come and exisiting ones fleshed out. (Currently Oracles and Patron Deities have placeholder effects).

- Exposure driven Innovations that need to be encountered by your culture to be researched. Current ones are Spoked Wheels giving Chariots, Composite Bows and lastly Writing.

- Buildings overhaul to fit the era and the focus on Urbanization.

- Addition of infanticide to represent the cruelties of the pre-modern world.

- A small taste of mechanics to come as the Distance Efficiency which lowers your gained levies and taxes gained based on distance, which can currently be lowered by Innovations.


And much, much more.



Yarru - creator of the new "revived" mod, it`s me.

Sloth made the incredible flatmap, loading screen, thumbnail, more map stuff like clouds/water colors, several icons like the Sumerian, Minoan/Aegean and Egyptian religious icons. Icons for levies, knights, chariots, military tab and more I am likely forgetting.

Owlcoholic/Rewinged made the awesome Egyptian clothing available right now and more to come!

Benjin made the Mycenaean helmet which is just a sneak peak at the plethora of more awesome stuff in the works!

JR Dolan for his many extensive name list for Greeks, Luwians, Egyptians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Levantines and Hurrians! And possibly some more I am forgetting. There are a ton of names alright.

MattTheLegoman made the great cedar tree.

Oneven/lascupa made a bunch of coat of arms you find around the world.

Skotos of Sinope for his research on Hellenic and Greek deities as well as a bunch of general research on the Aegean area and also for commissioning clothing!

MikeW for amazing icons for men-at-arms and some buildings.

MobJay made the coat of arms for Byblos.

Nopani for making and running the subreddit found and general community management.

PrinterIsComing for his Cultural Titles for many, many cultures as well as Aegean and Mycenaean names.


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