Dynasty Bloodlines





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The Dynasty Bloodline Tracker allows you to set an inheritable blood trait where you can visually separate and track given bloodline(s) across any dynasty.

Characters can also inherite multiple bloodline traits across the dynasties.

With the recent release. Functionality has been added into the portraits page for better tracking capabilities with larger dynasties. Currently there are 9 original bloodlines. Mathematically this can scale quite well depending on your use case. If more are needed please let me know in discussion tab. Thanks for reviewing the mod.



Enablement and disablement can be done in the decisions menu.

Addition and removal of bloodlines can be done through the 'friendly interaction' menu.

The chosen bloodline will be applied to the character and all children to grandchild level.

The bloodline trait is 100% inheritable unless removed.



Should be compatible with most mods may conflict with mods that change the portraits gui and dynasty tree gui.

Compatible with Prince of Darkness. Load Dynasty Bloodline Tracker after POD in load order.



Screenshots were taken from the Prince of Darkness mod with Dynasty Bloodline Tracker.

The bloodline traits do not currently buff. Currently for tracking only.



I would like to thank Sketchy for allowing me to expand and fork the original Bloodline Tracker mod.


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