The arquebus





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Mod Overview

Updated for 1.5.x Fleur de Lis!


Adds the Arquebus to the game as a late medieval era innovation acquirable by all cultures. Once unlocked you can then recruit the Arquebusier MaA regiment, or associated cultural regiments, for a reasonable cost.


The downside to this awesome firepower? It's locked behind a set date for semi-historical accuracy. You can find it under Military innovations.


Current Features

Although small, this mod packs a mighty punch in the way of flavor for your game. The fluff provided isn't extensive but it is, hopefully, a welcome addition.

  • Gunpowder?! In the Middle Ages?! Not to worry, this powerful innovation cannot be unlocked until the early 13th Century! You'll need to acquire gunpowder through a unique event-chain in order to unlock firearms!
  • Unique MaA regiment, the Arquebusier, a strong ranged unit wielding the power of gunpowder!
  • Unique Cultural MaA regiments! Wield the power of the Janissaries or master the powerful Spanish Tercios! (And more!)
  • Unique Buildings that can be constructed to improve the capabilities of ALL your gunpowder units!
  • Improve the effectiveness of your Arquebusiers with a decision, and event chain, to make it happen!

Supported Languages

  • English
  • Spanish (Partial)
  • Korean
  • More to come!


Planned Additions

Currently, the mod is functioning in what can be considered a final state (barring any patch/balance fixes). However, there are definitely future plans in mind!

  • Add in additional unique/cultural gunpowder regiments.
  • More localization for different languages.

There's no set date on when these things will be introduced but I do hope to get these extras added in eventually!


Mod Compatibility

There shouldn't be any conflicts with any mods not listed further down, as most of the files are unique. However, any mods that alter the following below will run into conflicts:


Possible Conflicts

  • Any mod that modifies or adds Innovations to vanilla files.
  • Any mod that modifies vanilla holdings or adds buildings to them.

Confirmed Conflicts

  • Dieu et Mon Droit - There may be compatibility issues with DMD as it weighs/recruits MAA regiments using it's own unique balance system. (You may not see the same system applied to the Arquebusier type if used together)


Mod Troubleshooting


In order for the innovations to appear properly you might need to start a new save, blame PDX for not making them seamlessly integrate. Sorry folks!!


Known Issues

  • With running saves the innovations may not appear properly on the Cultural Innovations screen. (Please see the section below for a possible fix)
  • If you do not see the decision to discover gunpowder then you haven't reach the year 1235 AD yet. Once you've arrived to 1235 then you can take the decision and unlock gunpowder.

Possible Solutions

[This fix may or may not work]


A quick workaround to solve this issue, with running saves, is to open your game with the debug_mode option enabled in the launcher and input the following command via console:


"discover_innovation innovation_handgonne"


This will unlock the ability to recruit the MAA regiment for the Handgonner and unlock the consecutive innovations. The only drawback to doing this is you don't get the artificial time-lock if you force unlock it before the intended year.


Mod Credits


Final Notes

As this is my first published mod, and more of a proof of concept, any questions or suggestions are welcome! So feel free to message me!


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