Pet Lover





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Pet Lover

Pet Lover allows you to pet your dear pets whenever you feel like it. No more "once in 5 years" restriction.

Original Pet your dog decision is split into two decisions:

  • Pet your dog/cat - You can pet your dog/cat whenever you feel like it. You will not reduce stress by doing this anymore, but you shouldn't pet your dog/cat for some reward :)
  • Spend a whole day with your dog/cat - Spending a whole day with your pet is not easy when you are a ruler. You can only do it once in 5 years. It will reduce your stress thou.


This mod is not achievement compatible

It doesn't provide any kind of [b]gameplay[/b] change, but it mods decisions :(



Future improvements

Mod is very basic right now. I might spend more time improving it. I would also appreciate any help I could get (actual coding/art or just ideas) List of features mod could benefit from:

  • Localization - It only supports English, and will break in any other language probably
  • Flavor text - I pretty much copied original text, with slight alterations. I am not a very good writer, so I don't think I could do any good here
  • Additional game changing features - Expand events regarding dogs and cats. Or maybe add more pet types (why not a wolf for Norse people, or something cool)
  • 3D model of your pet - Events to show 3D model of your dog or cat. Unfortunately I cannot model or animate. I might find some free models online, or if someone feels like jumping in, that would be awesome

Also, please comment about any bugs you encounter. This is my first mod, cannot promise everything works :)



Story behind this mod

One day I stumbled upon a reddit post, where OP was mad that you cannot pet whenever you want. OP and some people in the comments were very passionate about it, so I thought for myself "Why can't you pet whenever you feel like it? It doesn't make any sense.". At the same time, I really want to get into modding. I have some great ideas, but I have never done any kind of modding in my life. So I was looking for some really small mod idea I could do, and learn basics of modding. So I decided to help OP from reddit post and make this mod :)


Once I decided to create this mod, I checked if there is something similar already. I found a mod that allows you to pet your pets whenever you want, but doesn't split the decision into two, with and without stress loss. Also I could get this mod to work with current version of the game, so I decided to create a new one, just for learning experience if nothing else. This mod helped me a lot to figure out what's going on in CK3 modding. Thanks :)


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