A Diplomatic Envoy port





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This is JUST A PORT FOR PDX users

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Original Description




I recommend you watch the video attached.


However, if you dont want to do that, I might still help you. But basically:.


0: Watch the video.

1: Look at your court positions, Special tab.

2: Hire an Envoy.

3: Click on someone in diplomatic range. In the the diplomacy tab look for send envoy, and then the rest is self explanatory.

4: More questions? Watch the video!


What its not


1: Perfect, this is an alpha. I need your input but please don't spam I am a lazy human.

2: A tool for War deals, that comes later.

3: Achievement Compatible.

4: Game Breaking, the only file touched that is vanilla is the the war interaction. For non-aggression pact purposes. If you have a mod that alters this interaction and want to use it. Simply put it below this mod. No other mods are needed.


Deal Scoring


Ton of variables in that category. Look at the value breakdown in the top/right section it should tell you.




1: To an extent, all 7 languages are in there and I tried my best, Most of the gui is in English anyway. But there is nothing that isn't localized to a language. IE; nothing_looks_like_this




I hope so, but you tell me.


Minor Tweaks

4/29 - Hopefully tracked down the hanging offer.

4/29 - Better German Localization thanks to the discussion tab.

4/29- Tweaks on marriage values

4/29- Limited alliance proposals to under 4 total. (open to discussion.


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