Court Positions Expanded





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This mod is intended to add additional court positions for more realism, roleplay, & atmosphere to the complexities of running realms.

My goal for this mod is to eventually develop cultural, language, & religious unique court positions to add unique flair to the court of every region in the game.

I highly encourage suggestions on all aspects. Your contributed ideas & changes will be credited to you.

I personally have enjoyed the realism and flavor of the court positions/titles and mainly did this out of a passion to develop my games in CK3.

Compatibility: Should be compatible with all other mods as long as they do not have a council position with the same name.

Current Mod Version: 2.2.0 (For Game Version: 1.9.1+)

- See all change notes for specific details!

Current Positions

Grand Vizier (Islam / King+)
Wuzurg Framadār (Zoroastrian / King+)
Court Herbalist (Universal)
Master-At-Arms (Universal)
Chief Herald (Requires Heraldry Innovation / King+)
Royal Tax Collector (Universal / King+)
Royal Tariff Collector (Universal / King+)
Master of Sacrifices (Human Sacrifice Religion Tenant / County+)
Master of the Royal Mounted Couriers (Universal / King+)
Court Canonist (Christian / King+)
Queen Mother (Universal / King+)
Court Philosopher (Universal)
Royal Chronicler (Universal / King+)
Court Historian (Universal / Count or Duke / The "lower" version of Royal Chronicler)
Grand Admiral (Requires at least 1 of 5 coastal related cultural traditions / Count+)
Royal Armorer (Universal / King+)
Priest of the Sacred Grove (Baltic Religion, Feudal)
Head Torturer (Unlocks on Guile 3rd Dynasty Legacy / Duchy+)
Peer of France [Lay] & Peer of France [Bishop] (Requires Peerage Innovation + Frankish Heritage / King+)
Dragoman (Requires Late Medieval Era and Arabic Heritage / Duchy+)
Minister of Works (Chinese Heritage / King+)
Grand Archivist (Cultures that have Bureaucratic Ethos OR Legalistic OR Philosopher Culture / Count+)
Court Sorcerer (Religions that have Witchcraft Accepted / Count+)
Imperial Expeditionary Force Captain (Emperor+)
Minor Landholders Adviser (Duke+)

Universal = No specific religion or cultural requirements

Count/Duke/King/Emperor+ = The minimum rank required to employ the position.

The AI can use most of these positions, a few are pending AI support.


Amazing Paragons of Virtue & Language Support:

Korean Localization Author: SIN (1.5.5) - Updated Translation Here (2.2)

Spanish Localization Author: MikiSt95 (1.7.0)

German Localization Author: duestere Legende (1.6.0)

Compatch for Ketaros: Here

Reuse & Copyright: To reuse parts or all of this mod please get my permission. I will likely approve reuse for individuals that (1) Do not monetize or receive payment for the reused material and (2) have policies supporting translators, accessibility, and other contributors.

If you would like to translate I will tip for your work in making the mod more accessible! If you would like to donate, click the Ko-Fi button below (50% set aside for translators and other contributors):

v21 - Released 2023-06-20
Version 2.2.0 - One Year Later - Refining Position Effects & Aptitude with Modern CK3 (Part 1) 90% of this mod is over a year old so I will be looking at changes and additions to CK3 and seeing if any position effects or aptitudes need to be tweaked. I also feel I might need to take into account the "busy ruling" debuff that applies to certain positions and if I factored that in well enough. - Court Herbalist Aptitude Change: Previously learning was 1.3x, it is now 1.5x. [This gives you good aptitude if you have a Herbalist or Witch with at least 14 learning and an excellent if they have 20 learning or more. (Excellent can also be achieved without 20 learning if a person has BOTH Herbalist and Witch with at least 14 learning.)] - Master-At-Arms Aptitude Change: Removed the -5 for Lazy, increased the Craven Debuff from -5 to -10. - Master-At-Arms Employee Effect Change: Position now provides the employee with a 10% Accolade Glory Gain Multiplier, 10% Blademaster Lifestyle XP Gain Multiplier, and a 5% Martial Lifestyle Gain Multiplier. [This actually gives the employee depth instead of just prestige payment - in real life they would gain wisdom from this role and that should be reflected.] - Royal Armorer Employee Effect Change: Reducing the Martial Lifestyle XP gain from 10% to 5% (into parity with Master-At-Arms). Adding 10% Accolade Glory Gain Multiplier. - Royal Tax Collector Aptitude Change: Increasing Administrator Trait value from 20 to 25 aptitude points. Increasing Max possible aptitude from Stewardship from 50 to 55. [Before you had to have a 17 stewardship + Administrator or Avaricious for Excellent, now you can get Excellent with the Administrator Trait and 15 Stewardship. This is not a job that requires a lot of wit so having the administrator trait is already a big qualifier. It will still be difficult because you need Administrator or Avaricious regardless to get Excellent it's just how much stewardship to pair it with.] - Minor Landowners Adviser Aptitude Change: Increased base aptitude from 10 to 20, this is to help offset the "busy ruling" debuff. - Master of the Royal Mounted Couriers Effect Change: Increased the benefits to the employer (you) for the hostile/personal scheme power multiplier. Excellent: 16% -> 20%. Good: 12% -> 16%. Average: 8% -> 14%. Poor: 4% -> 8%. [This is because I want to keep the cost high for this position since it funds the narrative.]
v20 - Released 2023-05-22
Version 2.1.2 - Fixes & Improvements, Part Dos All salaries of expanded court positions will reflect the in-game Coterie Legacy 1, which removes salaries for your dynasty family members. All salaries of expanded court positions will reflect the in-game vanilla rule on obligation hooks now. If you have an obligation hook on someone their salary is cut in half for whatever position you employ them in. Ever notice anything? Report it in Discord and I will get to it quick!
v19 - Released 2023-05-19
First mod content update from Tours & Tournaments. - Minister of Works will add 0 to 5 parochial vassal opinion. (Avg - 2, Good - 3, Excel - 5) - Chief Herald's direct vassal opinion of 0 to 4 will be replaced with 0 to 6 glory hound and courtly vassal opinion. (Avg - 2, Good - 4, Excel - 6) - Court Historian / Royal Chronicler will provide 0 - 2 Courtly Vassal Opinion. (Good Aptitude - 1, Excellent Aptitude - 2) - New Position: Elite Imperial Expeditionary Force Captain "one of your most elite officiers leading a specialized contingent of highly trained imperial guards that spend their entire lives training across the Empire in all weather and terrain. They have grown a name as the lightning contingent, a testement to their ability to mix rapid speed and fierce close combat prowess and physique. Employing charge patterns with light armor allowing them to rush enemies that don't realize their fate until it's too late. This force has been known to help in the personal protection of the Emperor/Empress when they are touring longer distances or difficult terrain within the Empire or always in situations when traveling outside of the Empire." - Provides: Travel Safety, Dread Sustain, Hostile Scheme Resistance - Limit: Due to elite specialized nature, limited to Empires. - New Position: Minor Landholders Adviser "You have decided to have a prominent voice of barons and minor landholders in your ear by bringing on a $minor_landholders_adviser_court_position$. While the minor landholders offer important insights into city development and greater loyalty in having them take role at court, other vassals of higher status take it as a slight on their influence." - Provides: Neg Courtly and Glory Hound Opinion, Positive Minor Landholders Opinion, City Building and Holding Cost and Time Reductions. - Limit: Dukes or Higher may employ this position. - Updated mod for the latest version of CK3.
v18 - Released 2022-12-19
update 1.8
v17 - Released 2022-07-27
update 1.6
v16 - Released 2022-04-13
- Added Position: Archivist - available to cultures that have one of the following traditions: Legalistic, Philosopher Culture OR have the Bureaucratic Ethos. Different from the Court Historian/Royal Chronicler by focusing beyond the court and family histories and more into the documentation and vast record keeping of the realm, peoples, and culture. - Added Position: Court Sorcerer, for those with Witchcraft Acceptable religions. (Credit to MikiSt95) - Changed Grand Vizier - - Lowered Domain Tax & Levy Size Multipliers from 8% to 6% for Excellent Aptitude. - Lowered Domain Tax & Levy Size Multipliers from 7% to 5% for Good Aptitude. - Lowered Domain Tax & Levy Size Multipliers from 5% to 4% for Average Aptitude. - Position Holder gets prestige gain multiplier of 20% (24 prestige a year just wasn't enough considering the position weight.) - Just Trait now gives +5 to Aptitude for this position. - Changed Chief Herald - - Increased Monthly Prestige from 0.75 to 1.00, Renown from 0.10 to 0.12, for Excellent Aptitude. - Increased Monthly Prestige from 0.60 to 0.80, Renown from 0.08 to 0.10, for Good Aptitude. - Increased Monthly Prestige from 0.50 to 0.60, Renown from 0.06 to 0.08, for Average Aptitude. - Position Holder gets 10% Renown Multiplier. - Changed Master of Sacrifices - - Increased Dread Decay Multiplier from -15% to -20% for Excellent Aptitude. - Increased AI attractiveness (50 to 75 base value) to hire. - Changed Royal Armorer to give the Position Holder +4 Prowess instead of +2, given their access and management of armaments. - Changed Royal Tariff Collector - - Independent Rulers now dislike the position holder more. (-5 to -10) - Lowered Domain Tax Multiplier for Good from 16% to 15%. - Lowered Domain Tax Multiplier for Excellent from 20% to 18%. - Increase dislike from Independent Rulers for Terrible and Poor Aptitude from -3/-4 to a flat rate -5. - Increase dislike from Independent Rulers for Average Aptitude from -6 to -7. - Increase dislike from Independent Rulers for Good Aptitude from -8 to -9. - Increased the max stewardship can provide towards aptitude from 50 to 70. - Increased Stewardship from x3 to x3.25 towards aptitude. (Example: Good can be reached at 16 instead of 17 now if you don't have Administrator, Avaricious, or Overseer Traits.) - Changed Court Canonist - - Decreased Monthly Piety Gain from 20% to 18% for Excellent. - Decreased Monthly Piety Gain from 15% to 14% for Good. - Decreased Monthly Piety Gain from 10% to 8% for Poor. - Poor originally had just piety and clergy opinion, it now also has -5% towards title creation cost too. EDIT: AI was also slightly enhanced for a few positions to slightly increase desirability. - Spanish Updated to 1.7 thanks to @MikiSt95. - Archivist is now Grand Archivist. - Added localization for witch and mystic trait for positions.
v15 - Released 2022-04-08
- Updated Spanish to 1.6.0 thanks to the amazing MikiSt95!
v14 - Released 2022-04-07
Version 1.6.0 - Added Positions "Peer of France (Lay)" and "Peer of France (Bishop)" for Frankish Heritage with Innovation French Peerage Unlocked. - Added Position "Dragoman" available in the Late Medieval Era for the Arabic Heritage. - Added Position "Minister of Works" available to the Chinese Heritage. - Changed Master of the Royal Mounted Couriers from Duchy to King Rank Required. - Changed Chief Herald to require the Heraldry Innovation for use. - Changed Grand Admiral - They no longer have to be a Knight to remain a viable employee, however Master-At-Arms will as they are a General of sorts and should be commanding armies. - Changed Grand Admiral - It now requires some sort of cultural connection to the sea. (Coastal Warriors, Dexterous Fishermen, Practiced Pirates, Seafarers or Maritime Mercantilism will unlock this unique coastal position!) - Changed Chief Herald modifiers to be slightly increased for its later-game use to 1 (Prestige +0.30), 2 (Prestige +0.40), 3 (Prestige +0.50, Renown +0.06, Direct Vassal Opinion +2), 4 (Prestige +0.60, Renown +0.08, Direct Vassal Opinion +3), 5 (Prestige +0.75, Renown +0.10, Direct Vassal Opinion +4).
v13 - Released 2022-04-02
v12 - Released 2022-03-23
Version 1.5.5-Patch 1 - Updated for CK3 - Updated Korean authored by SIN. - Updated German authored by duestere Legende.
v11 - Released 2022-03-21
Version 1.5.4-Patch 3 - Cleaned up the mod by removing unused modifiers and script. Version 1.5.5 ADDITIONS: - Added position 'Royal Armorer', Universial for King+. (Royal) - Added position 'Priest of the Sacred Grove', for all Feudalized members of a Baltic Religion. (Special) - Added position 'Head Torturer', available once your dynasty hits Guile Legacy 3 for all dukes an above. (Special) CHANGES: - Grand Vizier only gets +1 to Domain for Excellent Aptitude now, instead of for Good & Excellent. - Changed Chief Herald to give x1.75 for both Martial and Stewardship Aptitude calculations, up from x1.5 for each since its a bit too low. (Very hard to get above Average) - Changed Court Philosopher. It was previously unable to get excellent aptitude anyway without the scholar trait, now you can get excellent if you have 20 learning or higher and/or scholar trait.
v10 - Released 2022-03-11
Version 1.5.4-Patch 1 - Updated German. Version 1.5.4-Patch 2 - Updated Spanish.
v9 - Released 2022-03-11
Version 1.5.3 - Added German authored by Braindead Zombie#1936. - Changed Chief Herald to raise Gallant and Administrator Traits to provide 20 each instead of 10 towards aptitude as this position is a bit unique combining martial and stewardship and seems to be largely difficult to get above average quality. This is a small change and will only give an occasional good candidate so I will be brainstorming and refining this position in the next update(s). - Changed Royal Tariff Collector from Major to Medium Prestige Revoke Cost, didn't realize I had it on major. The Tax Collector is already on Medium. - Changed Royal Tariff Collector from a General Opinion penalty to a Independent Ruler Opinion penalty. - Changed Court Philosopher to add +1 Court Grandeur. - Changed Royal Chronicler to add +1 Court Grandeur. Version 1.5.3-Patch 1 - Fixed German. (Author: Braindead Zombie) - Updated Korean. (Author: SIN) Version 1.5.4 - Added "Master of Sacrifices" position for religions that have the "human sacrifice" tenant.
v8 - Released 2022-03-06
Version 1.5.2 - Added 'Grand Vizier' position eligible to Islamic rulers who are Kings or higher. Standard AI utilization until unique specifications added. Since this is the highest ranking non-liege position it gives +15 opinion, - Added 'Court Canonist' position eligible to Christian rulers who are Kings or higher. AI support for hiring and firing same as High Almoner. (More zealous more likely) - Added CK3 basic revoke opinion penalties to all Court Positions Expanded Positions, finally! - Changed opinion boost from +5 to +10 for Royal Tariff Collector & Royal Tax Collector. - Changed Master of the Royal Mounted Couriers to slightly raise secrecy for aptitudes 1-4. - Changed Royal Chronicler to raise renown gain for Aptitude Level 3 (Average) from 0.04 to 0.06. - Changed Court Historian to raise renown gain for Aptitude Level 3 (Average) from 0.04 to 0.05. - Updated Korean provided by SIN, pending just the two latest positions.
v7 - Released 2022-03-02
Version 1.5.1 - Patch 1 - Removed Captain of the Captain Guard Position until it is fixed.
v6 - Released 2022-03-01
Added 'Captain of the Capital Guard' position. - Changed Grand Admiral to add Small Neg for Craven (-10) to Aptitude. - Changed Master-At-Arms to add Small Positive for Honest (+5) / and Small Neg of Deceitful (-5) to Aptitude, having one of your chief military commanders being honest/honorable with you is generally better for your safety and trust of them. - Changed Queen Mother to add negatives for Disputed Heritage (-20), Denounced (-40), and Disinherited (-40). As a chiefly family role she must have credibility from her family if her status is to be respected. - Changed Queen Mother from a Medium Gold Salary to Minor. Her stay is largely provided by courtly expenses plus most offices with substantially more duties are medium. - Changed Queen Mother to now give the Queen Mother herself a modifier of +10 to Dynasty House members as she commands a basic respect for her status and authority within your close dynasty. - Changed Chief Herald from 1.25x Martial and 1.25x Stewardship to 1.5x in both categories as I saw it was quite a difficult position to get past average aptitude. - Changed Master of the Royal Mounted Couriers to double the secrecy modifier for all aptitudes it is in as I felt for its cost and service it wasn't enough. Having a guarded service to deliver communication should be a bit higher. - Changed Master-At-Arms Excellent Aptitude Knight Effectiveness from 12% to 16%, and knight increase from 2 to 3 (only for excellent). Good is still 2, and Average is 1.
v5 - Released 2022-02-21
Version 1.5.0: "The Gallant Few" - Added Master-At-Arms Position w/ Basic AI Support. - Another Martial/Prowess based position is in the works. - Cleaned up localization.
v4 - Released 2022-02-19
Version 1.4.1 - AI support for Queen Mother, will maintain one as long as they aren't in debt. - AI support for Royal Chronicler, will hire one if they have at least 40% higher income to expenses or they have an aptitude score that is higher than 60 (at least Good) and no debt issues. - AI support for Royal Tax Collector, highly likely to employ if they are greedy, and unlikely if they are generous. - Added Korean Localization (Provided By: SIN#2468)
v3 - Released 2022-02-18
Version 1.4.0: "Your Page in History" - Added Court Historian (Lesser version of Royal Chronicler only available to Counts and Dukes) - Added Royal Chronicler. "No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history." Images Added.
v2 - Released 2022-02-18
- Added Grand Admiral Position. (First position with combined gold and prestige cost.)
v1a - Released 2022-02-17


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