C&H - more Cultures and History accuracy





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Hi all and thank you for being here.

I'm a developer and a history entusiast. I decided to develop this MOD because I think diverse areas of the map needed an improvement, expecially for the culture settings.

C&H (more Cultures and Historical accuracy) adds lot of more cultures, and historical fixes related to borders and culture map distribution. It also have some minor additions in order to make the game more historical accurate, like the addition of few regional religions, county names, coats of arm and more.


In order to decide if a culture had to be included and in wich country I mainly used this 2 decisional pillars:

Origins, customs, language and laws are among the major characteristic to define a gens or natio in early medieval sources. Laws are also given by kings, so foreign rulers and laws are important in defining a cultural shift. Entires steppe federations, like Huns or Avars, were just federations composed by different peoples, following the same law. Did you know that Attila ment "Daddy" in gothic language? :)
In CK3 counties culture define the MAIN or DOMINANT culture (custom, laws and language) of the main HOLDING. To give an example: having several slavic clans and families in the countryside won't make Larissa a slavic holding. Also, having latin speaking baronies in Syrmia does not make the holding less slaviced after it's destruction in the 6 century (Thank you Avar Khanate!).CK3 does not concern graduality, so we will have clear-cut solutions even if less precise.
This MOD needed months of study using a lot of differente sources(and years of previous personal studies, including a couple of degrees in Politics). That's why I will not linger more in this intro and I will go directly in listing the most of the modification, and I will try giving an explanation of my choices.

Have a nice read and please give me your feedback if you want, because probably there will be future patches to improve the MOD. Also if you have historical doubts or suggestion, PLEASE, feel free to ask.











+Arbanitai: It was very difficult to decide whether to include this proto-Albanian culture in the game or not. Firsts attestations of this peoples as Arbanitian or Albanoi, date back to the start of the 11 century, but more probably they were already there in the first start date. The second pillar was actually what gave me doubts, since the Arbanitian people dwelled in the mountains and countryside and not in main cities. I finally decided to include them since the control of the Lezhë area was much disputed and since the city was already known with this name and not with the Latin or Greek name (Lissus/Lissós). Skadar (Scutari) alsa played a main role in this decision, since a latin speaking population is reported to have been living there, but it was not indicated as dalmatic or vlach. 

+Arpitan: Usually AI tends to create this hybrid. Giving that, I prefered to create this from the first start date, so to give more realistic traditions, borders and the proper language (Arpitan is a parallel idiom to Langue d'oil and Langue d'oc). 

-Bosnian: No specific or peculiar culture existed in Bosnia in those years

+Branicevo:This actually includes also lands of western Ebrodites and southern Moravians. These latter two tribes actually tended to be colser and closer with the Branicevci tribe, expecially during the 818 rebellionagainst Khan Omurtag of Bulgaria. They are also differentiated from Serbians because they colonized their lands before Serbs settled in the balkans and already had relationships with Avars; from Bulgarians because they never fully accepted Bulgarian rule as legittim and did not took part of the Slavic union that allied with Khan Asparukh of Bulgaria.

+Copts: Copts were still present in Egypt for a long time. Due to being an ethnoreligious group, converting religion in Egypt from copt to Islamic, also convert culture from Copt to Egypt



Intentionally generic name for northest Cacucasian people, due to their heterogeneous nature


+Draguvites: This cultures has not been integrated within Serbian or BUlgarian culture for similar reason then the Branicevci. Is also important to say that by year 879, had also been established a bishopric of Drougoubiteia,suffragan to the Metropolis of Thessalonica. This is a proper aknowledgment by the Romans of the local rule of the Dragouvites, seen as a separate entity from Bulgarians.

+Durdzuk: Early Nakh people (Chechens, Ingush..)

+East slavic tribes: Rus' culture has been postponed in formation. In second start date it is present and it's also possible to create it via a new Decision. Rus' were a political institutions, costitued by slaviced (more or less...)norse lords and merchants, and a slavic/finn strong popular background.


+Geats: Swedish relations with the Geats did go on at least until the 13th century and was foundamental for the Consolidation of the Kingdom of Swedens


+Italians: Changed a bit of the Italian culture (twisted from vanilla Italian culture). It is to intend the Italic population that stayed mostly under Romanic (Byzantine if you prefer) institutions. Previously most of the great seaports remained under Roman influence, since German Langobards didn't had any proper navy. This also developed the foreign commerce power of most of this lands, and contributed to the creation ofthe so called Maritime Republics (Eg. Venice, Genoa, Amalfi, Ancona ecc..)

+Lezgin: Known with the exonym of Caucasian Albanian


+Lombards: Lot of Italy is now Lombards (twisted from vanilla Lombard culture). It is to intend the Italic population that lived under Langobards elite and that was influenced by their laws and political institutions.

+Ma'dan Marsh arabs

+Narentan: Slavic tribe that fight for his cultural, political and religous indipendence. Paganja thakes the name from their pagan fervour.

+Romansch: Added in the Grigioni area (Chur county). I prevent the questions on Ladino saying that Ladin speaking areas are actually Impassable Areas and are not Romansch.




Create Rus

Became Rus


Wetlands in Italy and Holland (also graphically)

Much more Hills in Italy (also graphically) 


Jacobite Christianity

+Cacucasian Paganism

ADDED LANDED TITLES (grouped by areas)



+Vaud And Savoy




+No hungarian county names in Carpathian Basin before Magyar invasion

+Almost no russian names in finnic counties

+More Dalmatian county names


For hybrids and non hybrids


Changed various Coat of Arms to be more historically accurate (Expecially in Italy)


Fixes in border and title history in Italy, Dalmatia and Caucasus. I suggest you to have a go in one of this 3 areas :)


Kingdom of Italy is no more in auto war with saracens in Apulia

Remodeled dimension counties in friuli

Few genes modifications for culture to be more precise or variegated

Added Refined Poetry tradition to Occitan culture

Added Staunch Traditionalist to Armenian (Less armenian hybrid cultures)

Added Practiced Piracy to Baranis

Included few real characters, most notable is Clement Archibishop of Ohrid







+Thanks CN_LZY for localizations in Chinese!

All DLCs (07/2022)

v2 - Released 2022-07-13


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