Roman religion and culture restored





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"Do ut des" This is a alternative history mod that aims for the restoration of the true Roman Empire with the roman religion and culture added to the byzantine empire faction (now named Eastern Roman Empire as it should be). This mod adds the Pantheon Maioris Romanus religion to the game, which is a reformed organized version of the true old roman cults and religion called Mos Maiorum. It has the actual roman names for everything including Gods (like Jupiter, Mars, Neptune etc..) and religion head titles (Pontifex Maximus). With custom initial characters from the Julio-Claudia dynasty. The goal of the mod is to provide a roleplaying alternative where you will start at the year of 867 as a man who claims being a descendent of Augustus himself! Coming from the city of Rome (that now lays on the hands of christians) this young and ambitious man named Romullus, climbed the political ranks of the Eastern Roman Empire and usurped the orthodox emperor with the help of disgruntled vassals. He refounded the Collegium Pontificum under a restored and organized roman religion called Pantheon Maioris Romanus. He spent the next years converting, with the help of his newly converted vassals who were part of the coup, cities to a renewed roman tradition, which means some of the places on your empire already have the roman culture and religion now. That doesnt mean you will not have a challenge ahead: You have a lot of vassals the old orthodox vassals who consider you a godless heathen, and that could risk yet another civil war. Also a major part of your empire to the east still follows christianity, with small pockets also on your west, not to mention Bulgaria on your north trying to resist this "pagan religion" that they consider evil and hostile. Is up to you to unite the empire under the true roman domination by restoring control under the territories you already have , by friendship or by the sword, and then conquering back the city of Rome itself and all the territories the true roman empire had. Roma Invicta! Some explanations about the flavor You can see all the explanations about the flavor of the religion on this link: Roman culture and religion restored (ps: you dont need to subscribe to it since this already has the religion and culture, just refer to the link for explanations about the religion) Other questions.. Why does my Imperator have a christian crown? The "Roman" culture in the game is part of the latin group (same as italians, cisalpine etc) so they have a particular "family" of clothes and acessories. All you have to do is acess the barbershop, by right clicking your guy, and change. Why not 1066? It makes more sense to start from the oldest period since the goal is to restore the roman empire slowly through the ages. Also since you start as the byzantine empire you dont have to worry about viking. I am always open to suggestions and criticism. Also please if you find any wrong words or general odd stuff on this mod while using it let me know on the comments. Credits to other great modders: This mod has Graeco Roman Temples incorporated. Courtesy of the author. This mod uses a coats of arms icon from the coat of arms fix mod. Courtesy of the author. This mod uses a custom dna for the wife of your character, from this mod Character DNA Model. Courtesy of the author. Future plans: Addition of custom random flavor events and dilemmas based on roman culture and religion traditions.


v2 - Released 2020-09-18


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