68 Subscribers
Spanish localization has some errors, for example, code that other languages didn't even use. Maybe they're going to implement it in future versions, but now, it doesn't work and doesn't show properly.
Contact me through discord if you find more!
Got any suggestion? Would you like to see a particular mod translated? Contact me!
v1.0.3.12 - Released 2020-09-10
Arreglados muchos fallos, como cuando el señor pierde la guerra, o eventos de educación que no se mostraban correctamente.
v1.0.3 - Released 2020-09-08
Made the mod more lightweight. Se ha hecho el mod mucho más ligero.
v1.0.2 - Released 2020-09-06
Found more mistakes and fixed them comparing with other languages.
v1.0.1 - Released 2020-09-06
Why nobody told me you need a descriptor file?
Crusader Kings III
Full game