Immortal Maldives





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Immortal Maldives places a small dynasty of two immortal households on the islands of the Maldives. Two cousin best friends, their wives, and their children (six each) for a total of sixteen living immortal individuals. The Maldives is a archipelago of small islands that amounts to a humble realm of but a single county, with only two holdings. But this small dynasty has recently be proselytized by bible believing missionaries and has wholeheartedly taken in the preaching. Every member of the dynasty has repented from their incestuous idol-worshiping Mazdayan religion and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior, becoming born again spirit-filled bible-believing Christians. Soon after, this dynasty has been blessed with immortality, eternal youth, vast amount of wealth, and great wisdom. The LORD is with them, and they will very likely succeed in everything they set out to do. 'Wise and Forever Young' (phrase from the book 'Castaways of the Flying Dutchman' by Brian Jacques). The four adults are not fertile (you, your wife, your best friend, your best friend's wife), having sworn a divine oath of celibacy, and thus can not have children. The twelve children (ages 16-19 at start of game if start in 867 AD) ARE fertile. But unless overridden via the immortality mod, their offspring are NOT immortal (side note - immortality can be set up to be hereditary, I chose not to for this mod). Since each of the two households is four boys and two girls (eight boys four girls total), four of the boys (two in each family) do not have immortal wives and will need to marry mortal wives. Their sexuality is 'asexual' so they will not proactively marry on their own. This is an already heavily inbred family. So even with both parents having pure-blood, the four unmarried boys and all the mortal grandchildren should marry outside the dynasty or they will have high risk of producing inbred children or children with other defects. It is very recommended to start at 867 AD, but will work starting at 1066 AD. It is not required to play as the Maldivian ruler Dharmapala Sugrim. You can play a mortal ruler and leave immortal dynasty to the AI and see how well it does. You could be a mortal ruler that wants to rival and defeat and kill off the immortal dynasty, or befreind them and seek their favor. While the sixteen living members of the Sugrim dynasty are more or less fully biologically immortal, they are not total-immortal or nigh-invulnerable. They can still die in battle, get assassinated, get depressed + commit suicide, and die from stress overload or a major stack of negative health modifiers. Unless overridden by another mod (immortality revised and enhanced, daddy pika's cheat menu, pantheon of the gods), the sixteen immortals (four sterile, twelve fertile) you start with are all that you get. This mod works independent of the Immortality (Updated and Revised) mod but is fully compatible with it. It will also work with the old / original version of immortality, but if this mod is not after the old/original immortality mod in the load order, your immortals will have the older version of the immortal trait that is in that old immortality mod. If using in conjunction with Immortality (Updated and Revised): The 16 initial immortals in this family will not auto-age to 20. They are all intentionally setup to be age-frozen at 16 and also they don't have genetic immortality. If you use Immortality (updated and revised) to reconfigure these to have genetic immortality, and they have immortal children, then these children will auto-age to 20. You can also use Immortality (updated and revised) to reconfigure the 16 initial immortals' permanent frozen age to an older, or younger, age if you desire.


v14 - Released 2022-09-12

v13 - Released 2022-06-04

v12 - Released 2022-02-17

v11 - Released 2022-02-17

v10 - Released 2022-02-09

v9 - Released 2021-06-10

v8 - Released 2021-03-18

v7 - Released 2020-11-25

v6 - Released 2020-11-11

v5 - Released 2020-10-28

v4 - Released 2020-10-14

v3 - Released 2020-10-13

v2 - Released 2020-10-11


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