Unbiased Isekai: Restitutor Orbis





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Version 1.0


(History has nothing on this power fantasy trip)




This is a free mod, in the sense that if someone wants to take this concept and further expand it. Please go on, im quite at the limit of my modding skills/patience for trial and error modding, im pretty sure some skilled team of modders could take the isekai concept in crusader kings quite far if well implemented. Also, if you are of the disposition, give dovahhaty videos a try.




This mod was in my head after watchng the final of Dovahhatty series on rome on Youtube, "The Fall of Rome" If you like history, anime and memes it is a must watch, its a totally unbiased documental series (lol no its not) with good storytelling, drama and a lot of funny moments. definetly a go give it a try.


As such, this mod places a new bookmark character named Marcus on the south of italy, where the spartenos guy is in the vanilla game.




This mod modifies bookmarks, traits, and characters. But it still works with a lot of mods like Cities of Wonders 2. So its quite compatible i guess, but i suspect that total overhaul mods would probably be incompatible with this.




1.- Absolutely maxed out character, with all exceptional hereditary genetical traits and many but not all good personality ones


2.- New trait "Restitutor Orbis" to basically make everyone who follows hellenism adore you as a mind-slave, beware, once the main character dies, so does the trait (nless you use console with trait restitutor_orbis, or make him immortal with other mods), so try to restore the empire in marcus (or use that name changer mod ) timeline.


3.- Overpowered courtier waifus, yes... exactly


4.- To make point 3 work, the mod makes hellenism a polygamous religion also extending the number of wifes and concubines to 8 an 7, the idea is to make them councillors, they all have maxed out traits but, I added to each one of the educational traits, I actually dont know if that really changes anything, but better safe than sorry.


5.- Limes, the fortifications of the old empire, if you restore the empire, you will get LOTS of benefits from fortifing the bordes, despite none of the previous features having the slightiest of historical basis, I tried to get the fortifications for the real Limes (And if you you want some convenient marches, a roman can also expand the limes to frontiers beyond the historical ones, particularly on the Elbe River, Marcommania, the Carpathos, Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Persia and Nubia)


Now abandon nihilism, and embrace Rom


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