Houses Traditions





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The House Tradition mods creates traditions and values for each house to follow. Ever wanted to see your children behaving more like you? Wanted to roleplay as the Starks of Winterfell but the game's RNG keeps screwing up your family? This mod is for you.


Design Philosophy


Every noble family has a house motto; the words they live by. These are values that represents the philosophy of their house founder which are passed down each generation. This mod aims to make that a reality. While it can't track the generated house mottos (which appears very hard-coded), the founding house member can choose a House Tradition appropriate to his/her personality, and in turn pass it down to his/her offspring.


House Traditions


There are 21 House Traditions available to choose from: Valor, Honor, Duty, Justice, Vengeance, Pride, Authority, Power, Influence, Guile, Perseverance, Vigilance, Peace, Fortune, Knowledge, Truth, Wisdom, Devotion, Family, Compassion, and Joy.


Each tradition is designed around 3 pillars (affiliated personality traits). For example, an Honorable person tend to be Honest and Just, but also can be Stubborn. A family that values Honor might look down upon deceitful and arbitrary persons, as they expect one's word to be their bound.


A family that pursues Power tend to be Ambitious, Wrathful, or Impatient. They would look down upon family members who are Lazy or Content as blacksheeps of the family.


Any house member who exhibit any of the 3 associated personality traits are considered as good representatives of the house, as it reflects their own personal interpretation of their house philosophy and values. However, they are much more likely to take after their parent's interpretation of those values, so if a family that values Influence which favors Gregarious, Calm, and Deceitful, and the child's father is Gregarious, the child would almost always learn to be Gregarious, unless his mother believes Influence is best expanded through Deceit, which increases the chance that the child would share that interpretation instead.


Each tradition also comes with immediate boosts that are thematically appropriate to a family that would practice those values. For example, a family that values Duty can inspire loyalty from vassals and their soldiers to serve.


Finally, each tradition convey some bonus attributes that are within theme, usually 2 attributes. For most traditions, these can "level up" by fame. For example, a family that practices Valor traditions receive +1 Martial and +1 Prowess per level of fame. For some traditions, such as Perseverance, the bonus attribute comes with stress instead as they struggle for survival. This is intentional by design. Fame-based bonuses takes time to max out whereas stress-based bonuses can be tapped into much more reliably for smaller rulers.


A Whole New Experience


Roleplaying as your dynasty feels completely different. Children are much more like you. Your choice of future mother of your children is just as significant as the alliance and inheritable traits she bring!


In my own playthrough, I chose Vengeance tradition, which favors Vengeful, Just, and Sadistic. I tried to maintain a family of only Just children, and was successful for several generations. However, in my search for a genius wife I picked up a Sadistic wife and unfortunately, that led to her teaching my children the dark side of delivering justice! It took some effort of isolate and find new guardians to bring my children back towards the light!


Additionally, certain traits and behavior might make for a poor, abusive/negligent parent, which can also cause your children to deviate from your House Traditions


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