Vanilla Targaryens





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At long last the Targaryens have arrived in Europe! Located on their island of Dragonstone, the Targaryens are poised to conquer the mainland and forge for themselves a lasting legacy. Start your game in 867 and reign fire and blood upon your enemies!

You start the game in 867 as Aegon Targaryen, who resides in Dragonstone (Isle of Man). Aegon starts the game with pressed claims on every county in Great Britain, which makes up the Kingdom of the Iron Throne (empire-tier).

You can also start the game in 1066 as Daeron II Targaryen, ruling over a fully-formed kingdom.

The mod includes a fully-functioning Valyrian religion, R'hllor religion, old gods religion, Drowned God religion, valyrian culture, stormlander culture, riverman culture, westerman culture, northman culture, crownlander culture, reachman culture, ironborn culture, valeman culture, dornish culture, and dozens of canon Houses with their sigils. Dragon-riding is partially implemented in the form of a modifier that is granted to the Targaryens and Velaryons which increases their combat effectiveness.

Suggested Mods:

• 'Rename Characters'  A virtually essential mod that lets you rename anyone at any time. Very useful for making sure members of your family only have the names you want.

• 'Fullscreen Barbershop' See your character up close and personal; perfect for taking screenshots!

• 'VIET Events - A Flavor and Immersion Event Mod' Adds dozens of new flavourful events to the game.


• Add in more specific and unique genetics for the various characters, and amend the genetics of existing characters.

• Create a behind-the-scenes event that fires whenever one of the kingdoms becomes independent which grants them their kingdom's empire-tier title and destroys their kingdom-tier title.

• Create a custom casus belli usable by the holder of the Iron Throne title which vassalises independent (westerosi) kingdoms by destroying their empire-tier title and granting the King of the Iron Throne that kingdom's appropriate kingdom-tier title so that he may grant the lord paramountship to whomever he likes (e.g., if the Starks rose in rebellion and made themselves independent, perhaps once they're vassalised it would be prudent to make the Boltons or Karstarks the lords paramount of the North).

Known Issues:

• Children do not inherit valyrian traits properly (sometimes just degrading in levels), even if both parents have the trait. The cause of this remains unknown to me. If you are a more experienced modder then you are welcome to sift through the mod files to see what is the cause of this issue. To amend this, all named valyrian Houses (Velaryon, Targaryen, Blackfyre, and Longwaters) start with the first two blood legacies unlocked to increase their chances of inheriting congenital traits.

Known Incompatibilities:

• 'Community Flavour Pack' If used and loaded after VT, Aegon I's Crown will not appear in the barbershop and various features (like vassalised kings not being able to wear crowns) will not work. If used and loaded before VT, none of CFP's content will appear.

• 'More Game Rules': If used and loaded after VT, the Valyrian Dragonlords dynasty modifier will not appear. If used and loaded before VT then everything should work fine.

Special thanks to:

- SRWG for allowing me to use his valyrian trait, Aegon's Crown, and the valyrian culture.

- Clepta for allowing me to use the hair/beard styles from his mod 'Hair & Beard Variants'.

- the_stormlands for allowing me to use many of his coat of arms.

- ercarp for allowing me to use his ASOIAF character dna.

v52 - Released 2021-08-05
Fixed war score bug, and added House Florent to the Reach.
v51 - Released 2021-05-22
New Houses, and pre-made cadet branch decisions.
v50 - Released 2021-03-28
Reworked many CoAs, and added Houses Bolton, Manderly, and Karstark.
v49 - Released 2021-03-21
Localisation fix.
v48 - Released 2021-03-16
Updated for 1.3, reworked Crown Authority so players can actually play vassals again, and added two more filler houses: House Egen, and House Allyrion.
v47 - Released 2021-03-03
Added House Waynwood to 867.
v46 - Released 2021-03-03
Added the Faith of the Seven, and modified a lot of filler Houses to have the appropriate canon sigils/House names.
v45 - Released 2021-01-05
Just updated the mod with some minor flavour tweaks! The most notable among them being that the dynamic coa system now applies to every single person in the game. This was done to work around a problem that the coa system presented with inheriting and granting titles, and I hope it doesn't cause too much of a problem for players.
v44 - Released 2020-11-25
Fixed ruler designer for Vanilla Targaryens.
v43 - Released 2020-11-24
Updated the mod to 1.2.1.
v42 - Released 2020-11-13
Added new slavery system and updated the dynamic CoA system.
v41 - Released 2020-10-26
Added Drowned God religion. Made some minor fixes to other aspects of the mod.
v40 - Released 2020-10-23
Added R'hllor religion, Old Gods religion, and House Dayne.
v39 - Released 2020-10-22
Rebalanced the dynasty traits.
v38 - Released 2020-10-22
Balance patch + added new decisions to the 867 start date.
v37 - Released 2020-10-21
Added House Hoare and the Kingdom of the Iron Isles to 867.
v36 - Released 2020-10-20
Added the kingdom of the Vale, kingdom of Dorne, dornish culture, valeman culture, House Martell, and various aesthetic improvements to the mod.
v35 - Released 2020-10-18
Added House Arryn to Dalston Keep.
v34 - Released 2020-10-17
Added House Durrandon to the 867 start.
v33 - Released 2020-10-16
Updated to 1.1.3 and added House Tully.
v32 - Released 2020-10-15
Added House Connington. Made House Blackfyre a cadet branch of House Targaryen in order to both align with the established lore information, and also to facilitate a Blackfyre ascension to the Iron Throne using in-game mechanics.
v31 - Released 2020-10-14
Added the Darklyn cadet branches.
v30 - Released 2020-10-13
Added House Darklyn.
v29 - Released 2020-10-13
Added House Tarth.
v28 - Released 2020-10-13
Added House Fossoway.
v27 - Released 2020-10-12
Added House Hightower.
v26 - Released 2020-10-09
Added House Greyjoy to both 867 and 1066.
v25 - Released 2020-10-09
Added House Tyrell and House Gardener.
v24 - Released 2020-10-08
House Lannister is here! House Lannister can be found in both the 867 start and the 1066 start ruling over the Westerlands.
v23 - Released 2020-10-06
Added House Stark to the North in both 867 and 1066. The North remains a bit underdeveloped in 867 because of some graphics card issues I've been having which prevent me from opening CK3 at all (so I've been developing the mod "blind" for a few days now). There has also been some major restructuring to the mod file which will make adding new characters, dynasties, coas, etc, much easier on my end.
v22 - Released 2020-10-03
Added buildings to significant settlements in Westeros. Added localisation for mercenary companies.
v21 - Released 2020-10-02
Updated to 1.1.2 and moved the Iron Throne to Great Britain.
v20 - Released 2020-09-30
Updated succession for republics and theocracies. Added some death reasons to various members of House Targaryen.
v19 - Released 2020-09-30
Removed the 'Create the Iron Throne' decision until I can get a functioning version of it.
v18 - Released 2020-09-30
Fixed cases of wars.
v17 - Released 2020-09-29
Updated version on Paradox Mods—I had forgot to do this beforehand.
v16 - Released 2020-09-29
Updated to the latest version of CK3; added over 300 new vassals to the Kingdom of the Iron Throne during the 1066 start so that Daeron II is not given all the titles. New default succession type in the game: male only primogeniture. This will be later amended to male preference primogeniture once the AI learns how to make matrilineal marriages.
v15 - Released 2020-09-27
Hotfix to address some issues that appeared with the recent update.
v14 - Released 2020-09-27
Hotfix to repair some 867 borders and make sure the Pope is vassalised to the Iron Throne in the 1066 start.
v13 - Released 2020-09-27
Added a new start date: 1066 as Daeron II Targaryen.
v12 - Released 2020-09-23
Updated casus belli conditions to work with the new 'Westerosi Customs' innovation.
v11 - Released 2020-09-23
Updated description.
v10 - Released 2020-09-23
Adjusted crown authority law so that it matches with the new 'Westerosi Customs' innovation.
v9 - Released 2020-09-23
Tweaked the province history of the Venice region so that it is not of the Valyrian faith in the 1066 start.
v8 - Released 2020-09-23
Added a new valyrian faith. Aegon, his sisters, and the Velaryons all start as Valyrian Faithful.
v7 - Released 2020-09-23
Fixed the 1066 crashes. Turned the Valyrian Dragonlords cultural innovation into a dynasty modifier and applied it to Houses Targaryen and Velaryon.
v6 - Released 2020-09-22
Reorganising file structure (again).
v5 - Released 2020-09-21
Updated description and (hopefully) the file structure so that people do not crash upon launching the game.
v4 - Released 2020-09-21
v3 - Released 2020-09-19
v2 - Released 2020-09-19


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