GUI Beautification





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Skills Background Bright + Prowess Background

Yes, this background gives a very good visual reference of what they are related to, and I am not sure why they made so dark and why they have not done the prowess one... well.. improved now:




Prowess Background on Champions List

Same, why not they list the Prowess there, but with a black background, thought I show add the characteristic orange there too.




Prowess Number Added to Characters Lists

Okay, for me this was also an information always missing at the characters list, when we are choosing who to marry, or when we are looking at our courties. Unfortunately I could not add (it) a way to organize the list by prowess, but I think showing the number is a great step.




Portraits Borders Rank Based

Based on the AMAZING script done by MacAwesome, this is my version of Ranked Based borders, I am still not 100% sure about the lowborn and barony level, might do some more improvements, but as a first release here we go.




Brighter Tilesets & Bars

This was something was not even considering, until I see there a vast majority who like it in another mod, although here I did little more blended on the original colors, and also added more vibration contrast to backgrounds.




Men-at-Arms - HD + Brighter

Yes, they were painfull badly done, it is amazing how paradoxal is Paradox games sometimes, for no reason the art director made the original units super dark and alpha blended in to a poor Low Quality texture, corrected.




Units De-Duplication

Okay, testing my waters here adding new visuals, hope you guys agree its good, if not, I will remove and create a separate mod, let me know plz. The illustration for Archer/Bowman and Knights/Heavy Infantary/House Guards are both duplicated!! Same image for different units. I bright a variation:




Larger Personality Trait + Multiple Lines

Okay, this is something that surprize me that the original gui simply dont show more than 11 traits. So I expanded the size of the personality trait a bit, from 50x50plx to 64x64pxl, and for more than 8 traits on the next line, it starts a second line with 32x32pxl. I like the result, I also resizes other scales before get to double lines.




Modifiers Area Larger

One day it took me several minutes to find out where all my modifiers were, and I found the were stuck after 2 big buttons of my Culture and Religion... I could not belive, so I moved things around, religion symbol goes to besides the name, culture to my subtitle description... voi-a-la... now we can enlarge and see our modifiers in place.



v2 - Released 2020-12-26



Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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