Dynasty and House Conversion





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A mod that restructures dynasties and houses of the historical characters in the game files




It seems that in the game history files what is determined a separate dynasty as opposed to a house of another dynasty is somewhat arbitrary. So I decided to write a program that would parse through the game files and generate a mod to structure the Dynasties and Houses in line with the actual mechanics of the game as I understand them. This mod is the result of this program.

So for any founder of a house that is a bastard or doesn't have any parent defined in the history files, their house was made into a separate dynasty.

If any founder of a dynasty is not a bastard and has parents defined, their dynasty was made into a house of their father's dynasty (or mother's if matrilineal marriage).

I also removed a few duplicates, as in founders of houses/dynasties with the same name as their father's house/dynasty, as well as tracked down other various bugs in the vanilla history files that were causing issues with dynasty trees.

An unfortunate side effect of the conversion is that many of the generated coat of arms for the dynasties/houses will be different from what they are in the base game. (Any COAs that are predefined in the game files will still be the same)

One thing I should note is that this mod will only take effect when starting new games, it will have no effect on loaded games that were started when the mod wasn't enabled.

Mod compatibility:

Because I had to overwrite most of the character history files to change the dynasty structure, most mods that change attributes of predefined historical characters, such as traits, parents, when born or died, will not be compatible with this mod. Any other mods that don't also do a lot of changing of the dynasties or aren't total conversions should be ok.

When starting a game with this mod you will see warnings in the error.log file about coa aliases and rendering coas for dynasties with no founders, this is ok and should not have any adverse effects in the game.


New Dynasties


Gregorid, previously house of Surena

Jerome-Karling, previously house of Karling

Bernhard-Karling, previously house of Karling

Korhonen, previously house of Savolainen

Oskyldr, previously house of Sigurdr

Lantpertidi, previously house of Guideschi

Houses: Guididi, Paldolfidi

Arwystli, previously house of Manaw Gododdin

Vivar, previously house of Osorio

Amaya, previously house of Lywigildiana

Navarra, previously house of Jimena


Existing Dynasties with new houses




Oduduwa: Ketu, Owu, Oyoko

Kanunid: Hadariba

Zanafig: Kellow

Airmen: Muqri, Garen, Jid'ati, Abgal

Acceptance: Gobirawa

Darod: Marehan, Majerteen, Leelkase, Ogaden, Warsangali

Brown: Abron

Durbawa: Got it

Asia Minor


Siwnik: Rubenid

Stratiotikos: Bringas, Ouranos

Northern Europe


Gisking: Alfing

Southern Europe


Dukljanin: Vojislavljevic

Western Europe, British Isles


Cétchathach: Brycheiniog, Briún Aí, Briún Bréifne, Síol Muireadaigh, Ruark, Conchobair, Flaithbertaig

Eoganacht: Eoganacht-Raithlind, Eoganacht-Lochalein, Eoganacht-Anne, Eoganacht-Arthir Cliach, Eoganacht-Glendamnach

Manaw Gododdin: Seisyllwg

Gloucester: Powys

Gwent: Cornwall, Dyfed, Manx, Ergyng

Ebrauc: Manchester, Brecon

Ingving: Eadricing, Æthelfrithing, Leodwalding

Iceling: Coenwalhing, Wiglafing, Beorning, Mercia

Wuffing: East Anglia

Corcu Loígde: Máele Ódrain

Eadwulfing: Northumbria

Western Europe, French


Karling: Friesland

Toulouse: Ventadour

Auvergne: Chalon

Thouars: Mauléon

Montlhéry: Rochefort

Western Europe, Germanic


Sieghardinger: Meinhardiner

Flanders: Brienne

Geroldonen: Udalrichinger

Western Europe, Iberian


Erwigiana: Don't

Vasconia: Armagnac

Osorio: Live

Rodriguez: Tableau



Pandya: Pandya Alupa

Badami Chalukya: Vengi Chalukya, Kalyani Chalukya, Chalukya Chola

Cedi: Haihaya

Lambakanna: Vijayabahu

Rashtrakuta: Ratta

Tomara: Pathan

Thanjavur Mutharaiyar: Udayagiri Mutharaiyar, Simhapuri Mutharaiyar

Middle East


Arsacid: Karenid

Sassanid: Guramiani, Nersiani

Afrighid: Farighunid

Hashims: Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Amrids, Idrisids, Rasdis, Alawids, Hammuids

Zunbil: Nandin

Taghlib: Khamisis, Isavid

Rabia: Banu Kanz



Tuoba: Weiming

For example: Bulanid

Dulo: Balgarsko, Árpád, Erdevelu

Ediz: Run

Oghuz: Drowning



Pugyel: Boyül, Pemakö

Lharik: Khön, Droza

v18 - Released 2023-09-23
v17 - Released 2023-05-28
Incorporated changes in vanilla 1.9 version
v1.7.0.1 - Released 2022-09-11
v15 - Released 2022-06-21
v14 - Released 2022-05-31
v13 - Released 2022-03-11
v12 - Released 2022-02-11
v11 - Released 2022-02-10
v10 - Released 2021-06-08
v9 - Released 2021-03-23
v8 - Released 2021-03-17
v7 - Released 2020-11-24
v6 - Released 2020-10-31
v5 - Released 2020-10-12
v4 - Released 2020-10-01
v3 - Released 2020-09-29
v2 - Released 2020-09-13


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