Legacy Weapons





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[b][h1]Overview:[/h1][/b] Legacy Weapons is a mod that aims at adding weapons as traits to characters. When a character reaches a certain prestige level, a decision will be enabled, which will start the process of forging a special weapon. These weapons will have degrees of quality, varying from Normal up to Masterwork, each one giving more bonuses with each superior level. When the weapon is finished, you'll have the option to name it, or pick one of three randomized names (mostly are procedural, picking a randomized first and second names). The sword then is added as a trait to the character, which will hold informations like the age, condition and original owner. Condition plays a big part in this mods, each year a small part of its conditions deteriorates (it starts at 1000). When certain thresholds are reached, an event occur where the character can choose to do some repairs or ignore it. Each time you ignore a repair, the sword get's 'weaker', meaning it's bonuses are negated until it's repaired. If you neglect it for too long the sword might break, and you lose it forever. Being a family relic, the sword is a precious part of you dynasty, meaning that when you die, your heir inherit the sword from you, thus keeping the legacy of the sword. [b][h1]Features:[/h1][/b] [list][*] 4 Weapon Qualities: Normal, Good, Excellent and Masterwork [*] Weapon Condition, keep it in shape or it will lose some of it's bonus. [*] Inheritance, the weapon is a part of your dynasty, and thus is passed to the character's heir [*] Events that add bonuses, ranging from making your weapon flammable up to having blood magic infused [*] Events related to the weapons, duels, training, etc [*] Current type of weapons: Sword [/list] [b][h1]Planned Features:[/h1][/b] [list][*] More weapon types, axes, maces, hammers, bows, etc [*] More events related to bonuses [*] Craft Weapons to your friends/knights [*] If you are the Dynasty head, and a weapon is in the hand of an unlanded member with a legacy weapon, you'll start a scheme to usurp it. [*] Steal weapon from other characters (schemes, or your prisioners). But at the cost of a Casus Belli (Stole family Relic). [/list] [b][h1]Compatibility Issues:[/h1][/b] This mod should be compatible with everything,but it's not Ironman compatible. It should work with current saves, but it's advised to start a new save or keep a backup. [b][h1]Localization:[/h1][/b] Russian (by DREDD) [b][h1]Credits:[/h1][/b] - null (from the CK3 coop channel) for helping me figure out how to inherit custom names from stories - El Tyranos for the awesome crown in the thumbnail (it's not in this mod, go check his mod:  [b][h1]Other mods:[/h1][/b] If you like what you see, please check out my other mods


v3 - Released 2021-02-09

v2 - Released 2020-11-27


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