Dead Religions Revived V2





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[h1] Welcome[/h1] Hello, I'm Ms.Markarth and like many of you Dead Religions Revived is one of my favorite mods for CK3. Unfortunately, it appears that the original Dead Religions Revived has been abandoned, and I'm big on being the change I want to see. [h1][b]Religio Romano Update Today!!![/b][/h1] Unfortunately this will require a new save, but you can start making Rome Roman again today!! [h1][b]How you can help!![/b][/h1] [b]I have begun posting the mod data in the Discussions in order to put it in a format everyone can access. I would absolutely love it if people want to go through those Discussions and add, adjust, correct, delete, and otherwise do your thing! [/b] [h3]State of V2[/h3] This first pass has just been to try and stabilize DRR and do some bug fixing on the religions side of things. I haven't even begun to look at the monarchies/empires that come along with the mod. Or at any of the scripting for how the religions are revived. [h3]Feature Requests[/h3] Somewhere down the path of growing up I became a better programmer than world history buff. Which is to say I could really use your help with adding onto this mod. If you want to see something added to, or changed, in this mod if you're able to supply me with the details, I'm able to implement it way faster! There is a Discussion below where you can submit requests! [h1] Description [/h1] Dead Religions Revived adds various new historical religions, along with flavour, events, decisions, and titles. Revive the ancient Egyptian Pantheon and reform the Kingdom of Kemet, or go back to the age of Babylon and worship Mesopotamian gods of Marduk and the Seven Who Decree. Defeat the Jewish lords and prove the dominance of the Canaanite religion as the western Semitic tribes, or conquer the land of the Britons and establish the supremacy of the Arch Druid. [h1] Features[/h1] [list] [*]Revive the ancient faiths of your ancestors and usher in an renewed era of religious fervor and reformation [*]Return the people to their heritage and trigger the renaissance of dead cultures, or welcome new melting pot cultures [*]Reform long-dead kingdoms and forgotten empires, reclaim ancient borders and capitals, and reshape history with new nations [*]Become the Arch Druid of the Gaels, the Pharaoh of Kemet, or the High Priest of the Goths [*]New events, decisions, flavours, schemes, secrets, casus belli, and character interactions [*]Expanded Hellenic, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Ásatrú, and other pagan flavour [/list] [h1] Current State [/h1] [h3]Revivable Religions[/h3] [list] [*]Egyptian: Kemetic, Cult of Aten [*]Mesopotamian: Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian [*]Levantine: Yahwism, Canaanite, Punic, Phoenician, Philistinian [*]Celtic: Brythonic, Gaelic, Gaulish, Welsh [/list] [h3]Formable Kingdoms/Empires[/h3] [list] [*]Kemet: Revive the ancient kingdom of the Egyptians and expel the Islamic kings from your lands [*]Sumer: Reform the first kingdom, the only kingdom worthy of holding the fertile lands of Mesopotamia, the Kingdom of Sumer [*]Akkadia: Follow in the footsteps of Sargon the Great and form Akkadia, and assert the dominance of Ea and Ellil [*]Babylonia: Restore the first great empire of the world, and prove to the Arabian and Persian pretenders that the [*]Empire of Babylonia is supreme [*]Assyria: The largest empire in the ancient world can once again reign supreme with your dynasty guiding it [*]Samaria: The Samaritans have been oppressed by more powerful branches of Judaism for too long - cast down the tribes of Israel and Judah, and form the Kingdom of Samaria [*]Philistine: As a persecuted Philistine, form the Kingdom of the Philistines and take revenge against your ancient oppressors [*]Judah: As a henotheistic follower of Yahweh, take Judaism and Christianity back to its roots and form the Kingdom of Judah [*]Carthage: As a Punic Canaanite, outlive your ancient enemies and reforge the empire that was stolen by the Roman Republic [*]Canaan: As a Canaanite, unite the lands of Canaan under a single Kingdom [*]Phoenicia: As a Phoenician Canaanite, unite the Phoenician city states and forge a new empire to stand the test of time [*]Gaul: As a Gaul, unite the lands of ancient Gaul, Cisalpine Gaul, and Transalpine Gaul, and form the Kingdom of Gaul [*]Brythony: As a Brython, take the lands of the Bretons, Cornish, Welsh, and Britons back from the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and French trespassers and form the Kingdom of Brython [*]Na Gaeil: As a Gael, unite the lands of Pictland and Éire under a united Gaelic kingdom, the Kingdom of Na Gaeil [/list] [h1]New Updates[/h1] [h3]20 July 2021[/h3] Hellenism Overhaul Hellenism as it was is now largely the Dodekatheism faith, which is now just Greek!! And not some weird amalgamation. I forgot to add the Decision so it has a path for easy conversion. Will fix this soon. Which means, the Roman stuff was broken out into the Religio Romana!! [h3]12 July 2021[/h3] Added religious names for the Egyptian religions [h3]13 July 2021[/h3] Added menu to collapse conversions to clean up ui "Spiced" up some flavor text [h3]12 July 2021[/h3] Bugfixing Added Irish religious name - currently all celtic faiths have these. I intend to correct this one day [h3]Shout Out[/h3] Please find the original here. In working with the V2 I can tell you, holy moly so much work and love went into this mod. We all owe Chalk and Turmor so much gratitude


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