East Francia Inheritance Fix





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[h1]TLDR[/h1] The kingdoms of East Francia and Bavaria get inherited properly on the death of Ludwig the German. Local map border gore is reduced. [h1]The Why[/h1] We all love border gore. That's why we play this game. Karling inheritance chaos that causes random vassal spread throughout Europe? Beautiful. A map that looks like it'd fit right in as a stained glass window? Breathtaking. Realms split alphabetically by county rather than along nice geographical lines? Perfection incarnate. Now, there are some weirdos among you (you know who you are) who prefer "logical" borders. Hell, some of you even want borders based on some sort of historical or cultural basis. Philistines. Anyway, this is a mod for you. [h1]The What[/h1] In the 867 bookmark, Ludwig the German has East Francia as his primary title, but Karlmann of Bavaria is his eldest son. This mod sets Luwdig's second son Ludwig as his designated heir. This Ludwig is definitely a different Ludwig and not the original Ludwig in a (Lud)wig. If Ludwig the Younger dies before the Elder, all bets are off. [h1]Back to the Why[/h1] Why do this? Well, normally what happens in the 867 bookmark is that Ludwig is there, being all German and stuff, then he dies. The King is dead, long live the Kings. The kingdom of East Francia goes to his eldest son who is the Duke of Bavaria and completely ungrateful for that, while the kingdom of Bavaria goes to his second son who is the Duke of East Franconia and is moderately grateful. See the issue? Anyone who has played more than a few years of the 867 bookmark has seen the beauty and joy that comes out of that totally awesome situation. In comes mod magic! Setting Ludwig the Younger as the primary heir isntead of Karlmann of East Francia means that when old Ludwig dies, his East Franconian son will inherit East Francia and his Bavarian son will inherit Bavaria. This is sorta-kinda-not-really-but-as-close-as-you-can-get-in-CK3-without-lots-of-fancy-modding what happened historically and results in much more boring, well adjusted borders. But I guess that's why they're called BOREders and not AWESOMErs (sorry). [h1]Extra Information[/h1] [list] [*]Yes, this means that Ludwig will have Ludwig the Younger as his primary heir instead of East Francia. That's the mod. [*]Yes, this only affects Ludwig the German unless you have some weird-ass mod setups of your own that add mess with character IDs in the game history folder. At that point I think you're on your own. [*]If you like this mod please consider liking and rating it! I like having imaginary internet points. [/list] [h1]Compatibility/Requirements[/h1] [list] [*]Sadly NOT Ironman or Achievement compatible (Paradox loves them some border gore). [*]Now that I've built this mod more smarter, it should be compatibile with everything. [*]No DLC or other mods are required. [*]I suppose owning the base CK3 game is a requirement. [/list]


v5 - Released 2022-05-27

v4 - Released 2022-03-12

v3 - Released 2022-02-09

v2 - Released 2021-06-10


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