Even Better Executions





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This mod uses "Better Executions" by Wilsonator and "Better Executions Updated" by FunGaming44 as a base. The only additions are to add sound effect variations based on the age of the character being executed. I do not plan to keep this mod up-to-date, but hope to see these changes make their way in some form to at least one of the two mods that this uses as a base. Details: The base mods use CK2 audio files for execution effects. Imagine executing a young character, only to hear the gruff voice of a fully grown man reacting to the punishment. So additional audio files have been added by altering the pitch on the original execution sound files. Due to the nature of the sound files used by this mod, sometimes the sounds might not play, especially if there are other events that occur. Changelog: Version 1.2 - Added sound files for addition execution methods - back breaking, breaking wheel, cruxifiction, garroting, mauled by bear, mauled by tiger, snake pit and trampled by horses. These have not yet been made available as execution methods in this version. These execution methods will be added later. Version 1.1 - Added a Guilt event that occurs 15 days after the execution of a character that is not an adult. Added sound file to play relevant music. Version 1 - base version of "Better Executions Updated" along with variations added to sound files based on age and gender of non-player character being executed. Also fixed issue where Cannibal execute option was not killing the NPC.


v4 - Released 2021-09-13

v3 - Released 2021-09-13

v2 - Released 2021-09-12


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