Extra Genetic Character





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This mod is inspired by the new character creator. It rebalances all the genetics to provide more extreme limits for characters, as well as greater range in ethnicity character generation for portraits. This will make characters a little less realistic looking and a bit more cartoony, but will provide much more diversity, and make genetics of characters appearance much more apparent and unique, so you can find suitable marriages for your character created monstrosities to keep those chins large etc. Some characters may look a bit rubbish, but generally the results seem pretty good! People will tend toward being a little uglier if they don't have attractive traits. Also bookmark characters will be affected less and things will tend to get more extreme as more generated lowborns are mixed into the rulers genepool. Also things like face expressions, illness effects, and trait effects on the body will be amplified. Ill people will look more ill, angry people will look angrier, spindly characters more spindly, fat people fatter, and ugly or hideous people, oh boy! Homely, Ugly people etc are a bit OTT but I didn't want to override traits and sacrifice mod compatibility to reduce their visual effect. It's possible that some ethnicities will require further balancing so let me know any problems.


v11 - Released 2020-12-07

v10 - Released 2020-12-07

v9 - Released 2020-11-25

v8 - Released 2020-11-25

v7 - Released 2020-11-25

v6 - Released 2020-11-25

v5 - Released 2020-11-25

v4 - Released 2020-11-25

v3 - Released 2020-11-25

v2 - Released 2020-11-25


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