Improved Fertility and Mortality





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This mod improves fertility and mortality to be a bit more realistic. List of changes: 1. Increased base number of kids per ruler to 6 for counts and 7 for everyone above. 2. Lower female adult / childbearing age to 14 3. Significantly increase variability of health. In base game, boys are born with health in 3.5-4.0 range, girls in 4.0-4.5 range; in this mod, boys have 3.2-6.0 range, girls 3.7-6.5 range. 4. Higher health threshold for random death. In base game, if health is below 3.0, character might die randomly "of natural causes"; this mod increases it to 3.5. 5. The above results in much higher variability of age at death. In base game, most characters die at ~65 years old. This mod smoothes it out, with people able to die from natural causes from 40 and more. There will be some cases of people dying at 35 but also some cases of people living past 100. 6. Age expectation is lower; in base game, it's ~65, in this mod it's ~57. 7. Increased the chance of death in childbirth, from ~3% in base game to ~5% in the mod. 8. Increased the effect of health-related traits. Bad traits (weak, feeble, frail) are even worse, good traits (amazonian, robust, hale) are even better. Whole of body is also better. 9. Increased the effect of sterile & fecund traits. 10. Increased infant and child mortality by a factor of ~3x. Note that this mod will lead to noticeable increase in number of characters in your save, so the game might run slower. Thank you for the script that calculates and draws cause of death statistics. Shout out to the Ultimate Tooltip mod author  it helped to test this mod. Feedback is appreciated :). In the future, I'd like to also add a high variability to fertility, so there will be couples that struggle to get even 1 kid, and there will be couples with 10-15 kids. But I don't know yet how to do it.


v3 - Released 2020-09-27

v2 - Released 2020-09-27


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